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true definition of SPAM

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  • true definition of SPAM

    it seems that some people are not too certain exactly what spam is, lets hear your guys true definition of spam.

    ps: what a pointless thread! man am i bored :geek:

  • #2
    forum spam, or email spam? ...or that mysterious stuff in a can? :?:


    • #3
      hmm spam - A trademark used for a canned meat product consisting primarily of chopped pork pressed into a loaf.


      • #4
        If it's in the BG then it's pointless any. :laugh:

        But some should watch their posts in the tech forums (if they already havn't noticed pp's, "pointless posts" or "digital spam", missin' already). Keep to something pertainin' to the thread or author at least (unless of course it's the author's fault, then it's likely to go anywhere) or start a search and if nothin' pops up then start a new thread (but if it's pointless then make should that it's in the BG). :devil win


        • #5
          S.P.A.M. (as mentioned in my sig) is something different again. Stay tuned for further details.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Beefy
            S.P.A.M. (as mentioned in my sig) is something different again. Stay tuned for further details.
            ya, I'd like to know those details =)


            • #7
              I believe the term is f*cktard not smacktard

              TT Original


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wiggo
                If it's in the BG then it's pointless any. :laugh:

                But some should watch their posts in the tech forums (if they already havn't noticed pp's, "pointless posts" or "digital spam", missin' already). Keep to something pertainin' to the thread or author at least (unless of course it's the author's fault, then it's likely to go anywhere) or start a search and if nothin' pops up then start a new thread (but if it's pointless then make should that it's in the BG). :devil win
                well i started a rather pointless post, and hell thats why its in the BG, well thats it for me :thumb:


                • #9
                  outwar and such types link have to be included as spam..


                  • #10
                    Found this at another Forum:

                    "SPAM OR PIMPING. This refers to the use of this site as a redirector or gateway to another site for the purpose of collecting click income or advertising. Although there are times when a link to another site is necessary for helping or answering a question, this site reserves the right to determine what is and is not SPAM or PIMPING."

                    This should answer people's questions on the subject.


                    • #11
                      A nice bit of informative plagiarism, elrado 1.

                      This is the internet, without an option to link I am nothing
                      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                      • #12
                        Spam is something that has been sent to me without my permission. That's basically it. I don't mind the snail mail spam, but e-mail spam + popups **** me over the wall.:hammer:
                        At the request of wiggo ;)


                        • #13
                          it's sail-mail spam that really burns be's a complete disrespect for the environment and a disgusting waste of natural resources :mad:

                          btw, before I became hooked on technology I was an environmental science major...but I'm still determined to make PCs work for the environment instead of against it

