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Our New Home !!!

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  • Our New Home !!!

    We did it !!! We've finally moved ! YEAH !!!!
    It's sunday night here. We moved Saturday. Thursday / Friday was the "24 hours of HELL !!!"
    We had the signing at the notary on Thursday at 5pm. But at ~1pm I received a call stating that since the inspection hadn't been done yet, the bank wouldn't hand over the money, so the appointment would be cancelled. We would be homeless as of Saturday ! Panic took over ! :eek:
    Long story short, Friday morning at 8:30am, the inspection was done, the bank rushed the paper work through during the morning, and we signed at 5pm on Friday.
    The actual move went smooth. All is good. It feels like we're at a hotel (new bed / new house). We can now start to relax....

    P.S. We'll post some pix of our new home soon.
    SPAM Special Ops

  • #2
    Congrats on the new house :thumb: Hope all the unpacking goes well :cheers:


    • #3
      must have been the weekend for it. We moved house as well, into something a little bigger / better...

      Unfortunately, the phone isn't on yet, and when it is I THEN have to send a form off to get ADSL transferred.. which will take probably a week. So I'm netless at home for a while *sniff*


      • #4
        Good luck with the "We can now start to relax...." m8 as we moved at the very end of February and we still havn't had time to rest. :shrug:


        • #5
          Originally posted by Beefy
          must have been the weekend for it. We moved house as well, into something a little bigger / better...
          Unfortunately, the phone isn't on yet, and when it is I THEN have to send a form off to get ADSL transferred.. which will take probably a week. So I'm netless at home for a while *sniff*
          We had the phone company and the cable company install their stuff on Saturday, so the phone's working, the digital cable TV is working, and my cable internet is working ! :woot:
          SPAM Special Ops


          • #6
            Originally posted by Wiggo
            Good luck with the "We can now start to relax...." m8 as we moved at the very end of February and we still havn't had time to rest. :shrug:
            We're working on it...:D
            SPAM Special Ops


            • #7
              Moving, such a nice word. Can't wait to do I myself. congratulations E^vol


              • #8
                E^vol: Congratulations on moving to your new home.


                • #9
                  Moving is the easy part. Unpacking and getting everything into its rightful place is another......


                  • #10
                    gad to here everything worked out in the end:thumb:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Wiggo's-sister
                      Moving is the easy part. Unpacking and getting everything into its rightful place is another......
                      You're telling me !
                      I live in boxes...But things are getting placed, we are far more relaxed, and the best part is that we both like our new house !!!

                      P.S. Thanks to everyone ! :group:
                      SPAM Special Ops


                      • #12
                        :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


                        • #13
                          Carrying heavy furniture and ****.. :yuc:

                          Arrive to the new home just to discover that your all time favourite porno magazines have mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth.. :shrug:

                          Man It's been enough of that **** for me I'm to old.. :geek:

                          To bad we have to do it all over again before the end of this year.. :barf:

                          Only pos is the fact that we then will access a mutch faster internet connection..:drool:
                          About time.. :)


                          • #14
                            heh. what type of connection do you have access to?

                            Congrats on the move btw, its a good way to shift through stuff and get rid of things you dont need :)
                            At the request of wiggo ;)

