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What a community!

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  • What a community!

    The Beer Garden is unique! It is different! It is great!

    The Beer Garden is different from any other forum I've seen at any other tech site in many ways. The Beer Garden is what it is because of the people who use it. Names like "Wiggo" (and family), "Beefy", "Andy", "Olie" and others really make it shine and stand out, but it's everyone what makes it what it is.

    Sure, some people are quick to dismiss the BG off as a forum for people with no lives or an area for pointless posts - Let them think what they like I say - I have fun and a lot of laughs, don't you? These people often forget the Beer Garden is an off-topic forum created for just this.

    One of the other things I like about the Beer Garden is the friendly people who make it - It's really a family like and caring community. It's hard to find forums like this where we can talk about the things we do without fear of being flamed. Hell, what other forums do you know where a brother, sister and wife and husband all regularly use the same forum - It's rare, trust me.

    Chances are the Beer Garden has since pasted 20,000 posts, again - It is an effort which everyone should be proud with. Here's to another 20,000 posts!

    You have all made the Beer Garden what it is today, welcome new people as you have been, and it'll only get bigger.

    : peace:

  • #2
    .........and it's all because of you Mr T :thumb:
    We luv it too (and you of course ;) )


    • #3
      Yes I most certainly agree that there is no other forum around with a place like the BG, and I do visit a few, but this is home. Thanks Tweak. :thumb:


      • #4
        Absolutely !!! :thumb:

        This is only the second forum I've really had anything to do with and by far the best ! All the others I've looked at have been pretty crusty in comparsion. People here actually KNOW stuff and aren't total losers ! Now that's a rarity !!!

        Congrats Tweak (and everyone else involved) on an awesome site !!!!



        • #5
          What effort?:D

          We love this place too!
          The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


          • #6
            I'm sorry.. I won't do it again.. please don't sp.... oh.. you were being nice... that's ok then...



            • #7
              I like the Beer garden a lot. A nice group of people that don't
              insult each other.
              <!-- Begin Code Amber Ticker code. -->
              <P ALIGN=CENTER>
              <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" src="">
              <!-- end of Code Amber Ticker code (c)Copyright 2002, 2003-->


              • #8
                Originally posted by dirtydog
                A nice group of people that don't
                insult each other.


                • #9
                  :thumb: the beer garden rox :thumb:

                  good place, good people, and GREAT name :cheers:


                  • #10
                    :o I must admit, it becomes very, very adictive
                    *oh shoot, did I say that? I do need to take more of those pink pills*


                    • #11
                      Love the new avatar Sis
                      What came first - Insanity or Society?


                      • #12
                        good work long as you're enjoying yourselves, we're happy :)


                        • #13
                          well said tweak :) :thumb:
                          TweakTown SETI@home Team


                          • #14
                            so why are we keeping up good appearances here? we all know we hate each other..


                            • #15
                              Your getting on my nerves again Beefy!!!!

                              just joking, well I think I am :laugh:

