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smokers rights

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  • smokers rights

    this is a school thing, so it is SERIOUS, no going off topic
    just vote and leave a comment.

    should the goverment stops clubs and bars from allowing smoking on their premises?
    TT Original

  • #2
    no it shouldn't...but it should be banned in say restraunts becoz thats a place for families to go together...clubs are a place for fun/pissups :)
    At the request of wiggo ;)


    • #3
      They've started to heavily enforce that over here in the US. I don't smoke personally, but I think a person should have the ability to go out and have a good time with their friends. Should that person wish to smoke while having a good time, then hell, allow it.

      Be sensible about it.. I personally think the approach to the Smoking/Non-Smoking areas was working fine. People just have to go and get all nit picky.

      this post deals with the fact that they've done this in bars, where I do believe smoking should be allowed. They had already done this in restaurants.
      Chris "Raven"
      News Crew - TweakTown
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      "Look at life like your morning cup of coffee. You might have one every day, yet you still enjoy it."

      How to ask a good question


      • #4
        Banning smoking in restaurants is fine, but let the clubs and bars stay as they are, or have restricted areas for smokers


        • #5
          OK - my view

          My personal opinion is that smokers have a right to smoke, but I also have a right to clean air as a non-smoker. What pisses me off is the lack of enforcement of smoking bans in public areas - including government property.

          I am admitted to hospital every 3 weeks for a gammaglobulin transfusion, and I pass "carcenogin corridor" going into the hospital. One women I saw was green, with a trachyotomy, and smoking though the tube. This made me

          Another woman was hard of breathing on Roma Street station (the biggest train station in my state). She took a few puffs of Ventolin, so I thought she must be asthmatic, poor thing. No sooner was the puffer back in her bag than the fags came out. Disgusting. :thumbs do

          My mother is extremely sensitive to cigarette smoke - even down the other end of a train platform (here they are about 150 metres long) her face swells up and can't breathe if the wind is blowing the right way. My aunty carries adrenaline around - a smoker put her into hospital for a week one time after her lungs seized.

          One guy at TAFE likes a bong every now and again, and he and his mates go to a place where they have a cat that follows the bong around. The cat gets stoned off the passive smoke!!! So to any smoker that says passive smoke doesn't affect people - BULL****!!!

          I would like to see public smoking bans implemented similar to those in Eastern Europe - where smokers are herded into the most uncomfortable areas where they can fag away - leaving non-smokers clean air to breathe.

          If the government is so damn concerned about air pollution, why don't they ban smoking? All the chemicals released into the air has to be bad - and the cigarette butts afterwards - don't get me started

          Sorry but if I was a dictator none of my subjects would be smoking - or else
          What came first - Insanity or Society?


          • #6
            thanks for teh input so far guys

            whast you have said alb is what my main focus is "passive smoke"
            TT Original


            • #7
              I'm a smoker for nearly 25 years now.

              I consider that my right. OK, admittedly I should have listened to my mother and never have started. So I am a raving addict now.

              In so much as smoking is my right, it is certainly the right of a non-smoker to not be exposed to such things. Some find smoke to be unpleasant ranging up to finding it extremely detrimental to their health. I have no desire to make those individuals uncomfortable or ill, so if they don't want to be around my smoke, they won't be. Simple - just say so.

              I like being treated as an adult, and try to conduct myself in that manner. I fully agree with Albinus on the matter of cigarette butts also. People who throw their trash into the street are nasty and disrespectful.

              The legislature of South Dakota recently passed a bill and forwarded it to the Governor, making smoking in any public place (to include the workplace) that doesn't have a liquor license or is a shop designated specifically to selling tabacco products illegal.

              To date the Governor has not signed that bill into law, because it would be regulating business and dictating to business owners.

              Damn, I love South Dakota - one of the few states left in the USA that treats it's citizens like adults.
              The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


              • #8
                Smoking in restarants, Shopping malls, hospitals & the workplace has been banned here for a couple of years.

                As a non-smoker I love it.

                But, do sympathize with the guy who has smoked for the last 30 yrs and doesn't have it within himself to quit - now he's basically relegated to smoking in his car.

                I'm not sure of the exact regulation for roadhouses and bars - but it usually isn't to strongly enforced most of the time the smoke is still so thick you can cut it with a knife


                • #9
                  Hey I'm a smoker and I don't mind the no smoking areas but they have tried it in clubs and pubs and all that happens with them is that they loose custumers and takings so you figure it out. :smokin:


                  • #10
                    I think smokers should respect non-smokers rights to fresh air, I have no problem with smokers that obey the rules applied in restaurants and public places, but I have a problem when they disobey these rules and put public health at risk.
                    A smoker has every right to ruin their own body, but they have no right to put others health at risk.
                    And every smoker should respect this.
                    Personally I think smokers should be fined or be punished in one form or another for smoking in a NON-smoking area, it is breaking the law and its worse because they could be harming others.


                    • #11
                      I'll back you up on that Moose.
                      A non-smoking area is for people who are not smoking, just like handicap parking spaces are for people who have physical disabilities.
                      Neither location should be occupied by anyone not in compliance - no exceptions.
                      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                      • #12
                        I don't smoke and don't like smoke affected air.


                        • #13
                          I don't smoke but I believe that bars and clubs should stay how they are. I mean what goes on at bars and clubs. Drinks, smoking and dancing, conversation. Take away the smoking and plp I think would go elsewhere to do these things. Besides before you go into a bar or club you know what to expect.

                          Just MHO


                          • #14
                            No they shouldn't make it a law to ban smoking in bars/pubs.
                            That should be left up to the bar/pub owner because they will lose ALOT of business by banning smoking, hell in some places I even have to step outside because the smoke is so thick. (I tend not to go back to these places)

                            There are places here that you can't smoke in and being a smoker I either don't go to those places or I don't smoke while in them (which of course means that every hour or so, I go outside or to my car ;)

                            I agree with everyone saying that smokers should respect non smokers and be courteous. The smokers that don't are the ones that cause those helacious non smokers, that ride you about smoking :D

                            just my 2cents

