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California Tweakers

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  • California Tweakers

    It's been a week of unbelieveable fire storms here in Southern California. 13 fires (some arson set), 660,000 acres burned, 2500 homes lost and 20 people killed.

    I am located between two of the largest fires with the closest being 20 miles to the east. So other than ash and smoke we are fine.

    I hope and pray that all my fellow California Tweakers have fared as well.

    God Speed!!

  • #2
    Yes I've heard alot of news about those fires on the radio while workin', It's terrible with all those dead people and all.. :(

    I hope everything works out for the best for you CA ppl.


    • #3
      Well, G Smith, this is one Native Los Angelino that's doing just
      great as i'm living in the NWP. But, i don't intend poking any
      fun at the situation as i have friends/family/loved ones living
      dead in the middle of this.............Up in Crestline......and they were
      evacuated 8 days ago & are living as refugees in San Bernadino military base. And although Arnold hasn't yet officially taken
      office, i'm just wondering if this isn't just the first sign of what
      his reign as Governor is going to accomplish??????:confused:
      Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


      • #4
        Originally posted by G Smith
        I am located between two of the largest fires with the closest being 20 miles to the east. So other than ash and smoke we are fine.
        That means your near pasadena...
        I'm in glendora. Atleast it rained last nite, cleared up the air real nice, if only for a day.


        • #5
          Wow Jedi,

          Yes I am near Pasadena, actually Arcadia.

          Your just down the road from me!!!!

          With the wind shift and temp change most of the smoke is going north of us now....

          They are saying we'll get a bit of rain today... Lets hope it helps.


          • #6
            Judging from the weather outside right now, the rain has helped.

            Good to know not everyone in this forums is a crazy aussie.:laugh:


            • #7
              Originally posted by JediAgent
              Good to know not everyone in this forums is a crazy aussie.:laugh:
              I havn't seen any crazy aussies of late. :confused:

              Yes it's not nice to have fires around and my little town has already been surrounded by them once this season and this fire season here has only just started. :tears:


              • #8
                Ohh gawd Wiggo...not again?????? You guys had horrible fires last year as well.

                These fires in So Cal were the worst thing I have ever seen. They actually had firecaines... Like a huricane but with fire. Something like 2800 homes lost but it looks like the rains have helped finally.


                • #9
                  yeah, im up in da valley:barf: my schools collecting food and clothes for the vicitms. i have family in la, but no closer, thank goodness.
                  good luck with dat der fire' there.

