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I'm back.....well sorta...

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  • I'm back.....well sorta...

    Hey old friends/computer geeks. heh remember me? Its been about a year since I touched a computer or done anything "geeky".

    I'm gonna try to get back into computers but I've lost EVERYTHING that I once knew (wasn't much) but you know...

    GOnna try though........just lettin you guys know. :(

    gonna read some of my old threads and hit it up on the tweaktown website and read some reviews. I rememember the last few things I was doing was I was gonna try out linux and I was getting into C++. I doubt if I can even install a hard drive now!

  • #2
    hey ReSpAwN DeMoN. welcome back mate :wave:
    it sure has been quite sometime since we last had your company.
    wats the case? wat took all of your time?
    Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
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    Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
    yabaa dabaa doo...
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    • #3
      Originally posted by ReSpAwN DeMoN
      Its been about a year since I touched a computer
      How the heck did you manage that..:confused:

      I can't even leave it alone a whole day without playing around with mine.. :laugh:


      • #4
        welcome back :)

        a whole year? how did you manage that? :wow:


        • #5
          Wowwwwwwww, a friggin' YEAR without. Now that's an exemplary display of an Iron will and the control of a Saint.Man, i mean it's easier for me too maintain total celebacy/abstention from sex than too not thouch my PC for even more than Five minutes..............Glad to see you returned to the living, and am sure you'll be able to ReSpawn your PC Tweakness in nothing flat: omg: :cheers:
          Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


          • #6
            lol guys I didn't actually go WITHOUT a computer. I ment...

            I haven't "touched" it as in well you know "touched" it.. You know played with its insides? Or tweaked the software? Fixed something that wasn't broken just ot make it better? You know the deal.

            I used to have my computer always tip top shape and now its running HORRIBLE! I'm constnatly getting all sorta of banner ads and my PC is just like any other joe smith's (no offense to a joe smith) computer.

            I just recently got into having two jobs and still going to HS (senior year) that and I recently picked up body building and nutrition so between all that I haven't had time dedicated to being a "geek" .

            Its now thanks giving I"m gonna spend hours on end (like I used to) reading up on reviews and stuff at various websites being an active poster of the tweaktown forums. And FORMATTING MY COMPUTER! I used to format every 4-6 months to keep everything running efficiently haven't done that since last november!

            By the way....what happened to my post count?? lol jk...just showing you how long I've been gone for..


            • #7
              Originally posted by ReSpAwN DeMoN
              I ment... I haven't "touched" it as in well you know "touched" it..
              Most people use that in a different context, but whatever makes you happy I guess. ;)


              • #8
                Originally posted by ReSpAwN DeMoN
                lol guys I didn't actually go WITHOUT a computer. I ment...

                I haven't "touched" it as in well you know "touched" it.. You know played with its insides? Or tweaked the software? Fixed something that wasn't broken just ot make it better? You know the deal.

                I used to have my computer always tip top shape and now its running HORRIBLE! I'm constnatly getting all sorta of banner ads and my PC is just like any other joe smith's (no offense to a joe smith) computer.

                I just recently got into having two jobs and still going to HS (senior year) that and I recently picked up body building and nutrition so between all that I haven't had time dedicated to being a "geek" .

                Its now thanks giving I"m gonna spend hours on end (like I used to) reading up on reviews and stuff at various websites being an active poster of the tweaktown forums. And FORMATTING MY COMPUTER! I used to format every 4-6 months to keep everything running efficiently haven't done that since last november!

                By the way....what happened to my post count?? lol jk...just showing you how long I've been gone for..
                Heheh you kind of sound like me. I think the all-out computer geek stage was a faze, but I am still interested and mess with computers. Now I lift weights usually mon, wed, fri, and run 4 miles usually on tues, and thurs. Too much computer definetly isn't good, and it took me a while to realize it. I gotta get ready for wrestling season this year, and whoop some ASS! I kind of realised that although the computer is fun there are better things to do like drink booze, and smoke weed :D Happy thanksgiving to all! And welcome back dude!


                • #9
                  A very sad tale but it's good to see ya back m8.


                  • #10
                    Good to see you posting again RedSpawn!


                    • #11
                      and I"m glad to be back!

                      I sure do got alot of catching up to do. I'm sure it'll come back easy right? Remembering old information is probably easier then learning new information...


                      • #12

                        Best to come back now and refresh your memory before PCI express and the new form factor gets popular.


                        • #13
                          ya pci express made me get back into it cause these kids were talking about it and I was like "huh??"

                          gonna start reading up on reviews again....and be an active poster again. But I"m gonna have to be a newb for a while. lol then I'll work myself up to actually helping others...


                          • #14
                            Hmmm...haven't fiddled with a computer in a year

                            Is that similar to not touching it out of fear that you might bugger it up? (happens to me once in a while, but when I screw something up, I do it bigtime)

                            Great that you got away from the computer, I wish I could do that


                            • #15
                              Hey ReSpAwN DeMoN, if it makes you feel better, I just defraged my HDD's, both were ~50% fragmented :o
                              SPAM Special Ops

