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After years of waiting....its here! Cableinternet!

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  • After years of waiting....its here! Cableinternet!

    Woohoo! I just found out that finally they decided to have cable internet in my area. its still a week away or so, till install, but knowing that i can finally have nice ping in games and mucho bandwidth is great.
    They had me waiting for 3years for this!!

    Beers on me! so drink up!
    :cheers: :cheers:

  • #2
    Congratulations :)

    I know you will be on cloud 9 for some time :thumb:
    Bet that's going to be a long week for you though!
    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


    • #3
      well, on wed. they are coming in to setup cableTV. after they do I need to call again and schedule another appointment for internet.
      I really dont mind waiting. My new HDTV will keep me busy.
      Now I got some time to setup my firewall (smoothwall) and just wait for the cable guy to show up.
      I wonder what he will say when he sees 8 systems, 2routers a swtich and a hub. :D
      Im going to be asking him some annoying questions too :P
      they made me suffer for so long on dialup, its their turn now :D


      • #4
        I know exactly how you feel, I was only able to get broadband about 3 months ago

