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Response to Signature Removal

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  • Response to Signature Removal

    As much as I think it is the right thing to do I will have to disagree that removing signatures is in fact a solution that benefits all concerned. In the usercp, there is an option for users to select if they want to view user signatures or not, it is highly advisable that users on dial-up connections would select this option as it would make the page load quicker for them.
    I think this should at least be considered as an alternative for the time being at least so that the hard work that poeple have put into their signatures is not wasted. Well IMO anyway.

  • #2
    It was my thought that the sig removal was to help with the amount of data going out from TT, not how fast it was for users to see. Personally, I don't mind people's sigs around here, even when I am sitting at home on dialup. But with the bigger sigs, more info has to be sent out to people everytime they refresh the page. So all those with lines and lines of html code are just adding more and more unnecessary traffic to the site.

    True, a lot of people have worked hard on their sigs, and should be allowed to keep them. As far as I know, the sig thing is temporary until something happens about the traffic flow problem. It's not a solution, but it will certainly help for a while.


    • #3
      It was my thought that the sig removal was to help with the amount of data going out from TT
      In effect, people who choose not to see the signatures on their computer (through the usercp) will be reducing the data flow from TT. Although it will not be as effective as removing them altogether, it will help.

      Lets not forget that signatures only need to be downloaded once, after that, the temporary internet files do all the work and no data has to be downloaded from TT.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Beefy
        As far as I know, the sig thing is temporary until something happens about the traffic flow problem. It's not a solution, but it will certainly help for a while.

        Hit the nail on the head there buddy ;)

        Some of the larger HTML signatures have MASSIVE amounts of code, whereas other ones (such as Wiggo's) actually comprise very little code. So it's all in the coding ;)
        What came first - Insanity or Society?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Slamo
          Lets not forget that signatures only need to be downloaded once, after that, the temporary internet files do all the work and no data has to be downloaded from TT.
          Umm, you might wanna rethink that. All the smilies / pics etc are stored in cache, sure... But all the coding is downloaded each and every time. It isn't stored seperately. It's part of the page you look at. With some people's sigs, there is probably over 6kb of code.. so if they've got multiple posts on a page (let's say 6), then there's 36kb or so of traffic due to someone's sig. Everytime someone views the page, it sends it. If they reply, it will send it all again... refreshing the page? sends it again.. it might not seem like much, but it does build up after time.


          • #6
            OK folks... let's see if we can clear this up once and for all...

            Regardless whether or not the option for disabling the viewing of signatures is available, there is still the fact that a vast majority of members don't disable them. From what Slamo is indicating, others should go ahead and disable their viewing of these signatures so that HE can still create anything that makes him happy. That's BS and won't be tolerated.

            Next up is a simple fact of life. TweakTown is allowed a certain amount of bandwidth on a monthly basis. This past month, we managed to use about 266% OVER what was allocated to us. This means that we will have to pay a higher bill than normal, and this is due in large part to the forums. We want to be able to maintain a place where folks can come and learn, get answers to problems, and kick back to talk trash in the BG. If we continue to allow these signatures to run rampant, then we won't be able to offer this service anymore. To constantly whine, moan, ***** and generally be a pain in the ass is accomplishing nothing. If you don't like it... sorry. Get over it. When we can come up with a solution to the bandwidth problems, then we will more than likely open up the forums without restriction again. In the meantime, why not try supporting us instead of being that pain in the ass I was referring to earlier.

            Hopefully now some folks will take a moment now and consider what they say before they post. While constructive criticism is always beneficial, *****ing constantly is not. We're busting our butts so that we can continue on as before. Please forward us the courtesy so that we may get back to business as usual.

            This message is not meant to be a personal attack on Slamo. There are others who have been doing the same thing, but since someone saw fit to put a sticky on this particular message, I'll answer it accordingly.
            Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
            My Toys


            • #7
              I am fully supportive of Darthtanion's stance. This site costs a lot to maintain, and to keep its professional appearance. We are currently in the process of trying to find a host for the forums that may be slightly less reliable, but significantly cheaper to host.

              From my investigation, it looks like file attachments are the big killer. You can't blame the babe thread, as it was disabled for much of last month, and when it re-appeared it was links only.

              For example, the "Show your Deskop" thread has now got 359 views. Assuming people will look at all the images, that's about 2MB each. Multiplied by 359 people and we're not that far off 1GB. For a single thread!!!

              Also the "People Living in the Forum" thread has almost 2000 views. At around 5MB per viewer, that's another 10GB. It all adds up ladies and gentlemen. :(

              So how can you help? Well, there are a number of ways:

              1) BE PATIENT. This is only a temporary workaround until we have an alternative hosting solution that fits our budget. In the meantime, please don't whine, we are working our arses off trying to make the forums financially viable.

              2) Click on ad banners. Whilst the amount of money per click may not be much, every little bit helps.

              3) Remove unnecessary code in signatures. When I was playing around in VBulletin Admin last night, I tried disabling HTML. Some of the signatures' HTML code was taking up 2 1/2 pages of my screen, at 1280x1024 resolution! Please help us by removing large sigs.

              These are just a few ways we can help the situation.
              What came first - Insanity or Society?


              • #8
                Darth's response covered everything I would have, I have nothing more to add. Please just bare with us, that's all I ask.


                • #9
                  Ya gotta do what ya gotta do, Tweak.


                  • #10
                    Umm -- OK
                    How about the minimalist type sig here?
                    Seems to be a simple case of "less is best"!
                    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                    • #11
                      For those worried about their sigs after all the hard work just copy them from your "user cp" and paste them into a notepad .txt file and save it so that if circumstances change ya can restore it quickly. ;)


                      • #12
                        it's only temporary people.. at least we still have sigs... And for all those that put in the effort for nice sigs, i'm sure they'd have their effort stored somewhere safely anyways..

                        Gimme a plain and simple sig anyday.. :)


                        • #13
                          Or in my case none at all
                          What came first - Insanity or Society?


                          • #14
                            i just thought mine was relevant.. :)


                            • #15
                              Yes it does make a direct statement. :laugh:

