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Bloody Network Admin

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  • #16
    And I use a wireless one,

    NOT really just thought I'd piss in your cornflakes haha...


    • #17
      our admin shut us down after we started sitting on around 5-6gig/ day between 5 people.... :thumb:

      it took him a good 4 months before he shut us down though.
      then we just changed our proxy address and kept going :laugh:
      TT Original


      • #18
        he's not much of an admin then

        He should do what they did a at work, create a policy saying that not work related emails result in dismal

        then log your ip's & pass the info onto the excutive directors along with the bill for the internet downloads

        That'll stop you d/l ing:devil:


        • #19
          Its Tafe... They suck
          and our admin has to look after 8 campuses

          oh well, TAFE's loss
          TT Original


          • #20
            alternatively, as at our place, just log every site visited and how many times and then post on the front page of the intranet the top 10 users that week


            how many porn sites?!

            hehehe - and it's annual appraisal time

            *double s*******


            • #21
              Hey, Shine , as in top ten weekly Jerkin's
              Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


              • #22
                LOL :wave: hi dryad
                what kills me is that
                1) it is all open-plan office ?!?!
                2) you need a special individualised card to access your PC, and they still try the old "wasnt me" game....:confused: :laugh: :hammer:


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Olie
                  Its Tafe... They suck
                  and our admin has to look after 8 campuses

                  oh well, TAFE's loss
                  the ones that I know are overworked, understaffed and underfunded.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Sunshine
                    alternatively, as at our place, just log every site visited and how many times and then post on the front page of the intranet the top 10 users that week


                    how many porn sites?!

                    hehehe - and it's annual appraisal time

                    *double s*******
                    They're planning on doing simillar at work.

                    I used to make the top ten list 3 - 4 times (on different PC's)

                    usually, first, second, fifth & seventh.

                    Luckily it was work related :devil:


                    • #25
                      darn, no smilie for "pissing myself with laughter"

                      I found their survey intra-web page today and guess what?

                      they make all the top X pages visited clickable URLs!

                      so just in case you really wanted to see what Fred in Dept Y was doing looking at just click here!

                      and the fools do the same with anything downloaded from the web!?!

                      :hammer: :laugh: :cry:

