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Saddam Hussein Captured!!!

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  • Saddam Hussein Captured!!!


    The former Iraqi leader has been officialy captured!

    My cousin fighting over in Baghdad is gonna be all sorts of happy. What a time to celebrate with a case of Yuengling Lager. :shoot3: :shoot2: :p :p :p

  • #2
    yes indeed it is a "defying moment for a new iraq" as Sanchez said.


    • #3
      there goes all free to air TV for a couple hours...


      • #4
        Finally! At least the people in Iraq that were afraid of him don't have to live in fear anymore


        • #5
          I'll just post what I posted over at ZU.


          *turns on news*

          ...damn, that's great. They finally got him. I'm not so sure if he really posed a threat anymore, but it's a huge symbolic victory. This will definetly be a huge morale booster for the US troops, but this may even increase violence agains the US troops stationed in Iraq.

          Good job, though. They've finally managed to put a purpose to the millions of dollars they've spent on this huge campaign.

          *hopes this won't turn into another Savage Nation thread*

          Just thinking that it would be funny if they had just captured a double...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Beefy
            there goes all free to air TV for a couple hours...
            SPAM Special Ops


            • #7
              Thank Goodness he was captured alive. Instead of being a martyr the world can see him as the crazy loon that he really is!!

              He looked rather insignificant on the video's IMHO.

              I don't however believe this makes things any safer for our troops in the area.


              • #8
                he was lucky to be captured alive, they where about to grenade him :shoot3:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by G Smith
                  Thank Goodness he was captured alive. Instead of being a martyr the world can see him as the crazy loon that he really is!!
                  He was never about to be a martyr. His cause is His cause, and if he dies, its over. Sure he asked others to die for him, but of course he was leading them on.

                  He looked rather insignificant on the video's IMHO.
                  I hate to break it to ya, but this isn't the movies. Bad guys aren't always wearing black with evil looks on their faces. Nor are they accompanied by suspicious music whenever they are seen.

