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It's Offical !!!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by FrodgE
    I'm well aware of that, sorry if it came across otherwise. I mentioned the uni student thing 'cas in GENERAL (yes a generalisation) uni students have much less money than anyone else. And having been in that catergory for a number of years I'm familure with having little to no money next to my name.
    Gee, in that case call me a uni student.I thought having no money was a condition suffered by parents


    • #32
      This was never supposed to start a argument about who has less money !!!

      Sure, there are many exceptions. I know parents who are also uni students and have no income. Very difficult to live under such circumstances. I'd say in GENERAL uni students who have moved out of home and are doing things themselves have less money than most of the population. Not a great lifestyle.

      This is a stupid topic, needs to be changed. SO, how about this weather ? Not a bad day we're having today is it ?! Nice and sunny, very good :D :D


      • #33
        I don't think anyone was arguing actually

        Doggone cold here, high was 16 F - Windy too!
        The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


        • #34
          Originally posted by FrodgE
          This was never supposed to start a argument about who has less money !!!

          Sure, there are many exceptions. I know parents who are also uni students and have no income. Very difficult to live under such circumstances. I'd say in GENERAL uni students who have moved out of home and are doing things themselves have less money than most of the population. Not a great lifestyle.

          This is a stupid topic, needs to be changed. SO, how about this weather ? Not a bad day we're having today is it ?! Nice and sunny, very good :D :D
          Sorry Frodge.......blame it on the lateness of the hour, i was just having a little I am upset :cry: .by the way that was a joke too By the way its nice and cool here atm, makes a change from all the heat of the last 2 days ;)


          • #35
            I didn't think anyone was argueing, just putting over their point of view. Nothing wrong with that :D
   was still hot here today, about 30 degrees, but the wind was blustery


            • #36
              True.....the weather was a bit cool here today, we had some showers too :D


              • #37

                Ok so I was wrong ! I don't have a problem admitting it, in fact I always seem to be admitting that ! So there was no argument, I was thinking people were trying to argue different views and stuff. Actually i don't really no what I thought, other than it was getting taken out of context.

                Anyways, today was a glorious day !! Absolutely beautiful. Being the unemployed bum I am (for a while anyway) I was able to go to the park, lie in the sun / shade and catch up on some reading along the Yarra. Quite pleasant.... How unlike Melbourne weather !


                • #38
                  That's my plan for later on today, out in the sun by the pool and a good book to go with it..........ahh, that's the life.


                  • #39
                    Sounds good :)

                    And don't forget the nice cold beverage !


                    • #40
                      What would you recommend? besides beer.


                      • #41
                        Besides beer ? Hmmm, a vodka perhaps ?


                        • #42
                          yeah, sounds good to me. your shout???


                          • #43
                            that can be arranged, next round is on you though ;)

                            Can't say I've had a vodka for AGES !!! 'Bout time for a change methinks.


                            • #44
                              You've got a deal, but I'll have mine with coke thanks.
                              Orange juice all nights not a good thing


                              • #45
                                It may not be terribly macho (like the beef cake I am **cough** bull**** **cough**) but I prefer the lemon - lime vodka or lemonade if I'm gonna be lazy.

