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Twin Tower Memorial

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  • Twin Tower Memorial

    Well guys...reporting to you from Queens, NYC...I can see the Beams of light from my window...and trust me...I am pretty far...but I just wanted to say to everyone in this community that im glad at the time of 9/11...everyone here showed that they care and mourned for the lost lives of this horrible attack on America...and I just wanted to say that I love being a part of this forum...and...well...thats about it so far I your comments...thanks again...peace


  • #2
    They look spectacular, very nice indeed - This is actually the first I've seen of them, very stunning!

    I think they are a good tribute to all those poor people that died 6 months ago and I think it is also good to tell those scum bloody terrorists that America and the rest of the world won't back down or ever loose to their stupid crap, we will always come out on top no matter what. They can all die as far as I'm concerned, they deserve SFA!

    They just make us stronger, they caused us to worry but it makes us stronger people in the long run I believe. I was watching something on TV last night and it showed that New Yorkers have just grown stronger people and are more closer.

    RIP September 11 victims!
    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
    Managing Director
    Tweak Town Pty Ltd


    • #3
      I have to agree, that looks pretty sweet

      i must start watching the news or something, I didn't even know they were doing that ;)


      • #4

        ****e that looks cool

        may the victms RIP :(
        TT Original


        • #5
          Very nice.. I saw a pic in the one of the local papers of what they thought it would look like.. but this is so much better...


          • #6
            *wipes tear from eye* .... nice pics dude..

            still haven't caught bin laden though..


            • #7
              For all we know the prick could already be dead...
              Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
              Managing Director
              Tweak Town Pty Ltd


              • #8
                Yep, he could have been buried under a mountain alive if we're luck with the air slowly turning to carbon monoxide. :D


                • #9
                  <Center><Small>pretty good hey.. saw that on the news.. i can remember when it first happened and i woke up and saw it on TV... *sigh* </center></small>


                  • #10
                    looks sweet..can only imagine how much better it looks in real life:)


                    • #11
                      i remember waking up at 6:00 am and seeing it on the tube. I was still too grogy to relize[sp] what had happened. I saw the second plane crash into it:( dnm when i found out it was Bin A Man i was like......errrrrr!!! I gonna hurt you!!!


                      • #12
                        I look at it this way: Just gives us one more reason to put em all in one place and blow em the hell up!! Thank you all again for your support for my beloved America. :) God bless all those affected by 9-11 :)
                        [space saving sig]
                        AMD 0wn3z j00!
                        [/space saving sig]


                        • #13
                          oxymoron there. true though


                          • #14
                            Ok now I'm 99% sure that that other thread is talkin' about him. :D


                            • #15
                              what other thread??:confused:

