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Found my stump - now, about this current situation .....

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  • Found my stump - now, about this current situation .....

    Seems to me there's a lot of stress around here.
    Anyone disagree? I didn't think so.

    We have a stressed owner/operator. We got a collection of stressed Admins & mods. And if things don't get better soon in the stress Dept. we're going to have us some stressed newbies before long.

    Apparently what we have here is a failure to communicate?

    I'm typing and you are reading. Without doubt, communication is taking place.
    We do find some issues going on, but that's not a first time thing, now is it?
    This forum has gone through some major issue in the past involving differences of opinion. A good number of folks said there peace, some moved on, some of those returned, most stood their ground, and many watched from the sideline. Things changed and the forum continued to be a place to share, laugh, learn & help others.
    It was a bit of an ordeal, things stabilized and we continued doing the things that we as individuals came her to do - share, laugh, learn & help others.
    This forum has survived true calamity. When the server caught fire we were left without our beloved refuge for so many days I can't remember even how long it was.
    We lost just about everything that had been accumulated. All those tips n' tweaks, those aggravating PC issues that were solved by those that knew the answer, some fine jokes and a lot of friendly banter as well.
    It was a bit of an ordeal, things stabilized and we continued doing the things that we as individuals came her to do - share, laugh, learn & help others.

    What we have now is basically a change in software.
    True enough, it was a bit of a surprise to us all. Certainly we all would have liked for it to have been accomplished in a bit more expeditious manner. But such as things are, for whatever reasons it took as long as it took.
    Truthfully, I doubt if anyone involved hands-on in the changes that took place enjoyed the time it took any more than any of us who didn't take part in the affair.
    Whatever the reasons for the period of time were, I rather suspect they were a bit unforseen. It happens, that's life. Compounded likely by the fact that PCs aren't perfect, software isn't perfect & people aren't perfect.

    Most folks to some extent dislike change.
    In this particular instance, there's reason enough for the apprehensions alright.
    A lot of time had been taken discussing and implementing the forum software as we knew it. Over the time this forum utilized that software it was adapted countless times to fit the needs of the community as they arose. Without doubt, a painstaking and time consuming process overall.
    That understandably would bring a heartfelt bit of sorrow to those that worked so hard to get things just right. I for one can sympathize with their dismay. They worked for what they had and had grown accustomed and perhaps even fond of the software and what had been accomplished with it.
    That said, none of you probably have the same PC as your primary system for that entire time. At a minimum, you upgraded your hardware. Fact is, most of you upgraded your OS as well.
    Now, how many of you just slapped that hardware together, loaded an OS and were 100% satisfied with everything right from the git go?
    I have the answer to that question!
    EXACTLY 0!

    Right! You tweaked it. You went through the painstaking process of applying changes, testing, undoing, retesting and making more changes followed by more testing.
    Why? That's easy, we are tweakers. We just can't leave nothing alone. Always we try different things in an effort to achieve a better experience.
    That's what it's about, my friends.
    So what exactly is taking place when you want to condemn the one that put together this gathering place, just because he chooses to do some tweaking to it?
    What's up with that? It just doesn't add up?
    Granted, we aren't exactly familiar with the software. We certainly miss many of the options we had in place prior to the change, no doubt about that.

    Has Mr. Tweak ever just ignored this community?
    I really don't think so, perhaps at times he has been busy and therefore out of touch for a short period. That's life, and he certainly shouldn't have to give that up.
    Truth is, Mr. Tweak has done a pretty fair job in the past of listening to his population, mulliing over suggestions, and implementing changes as they became needed.
    I dare say that changing the software hasn't had the effect of causing Mr. Tweak to turn his back on this forum.
    According to the statements I've seen from him, I rather think the opposite is true.
    It seems he's busy with many aspects of his website at the moment, of which this forum is a portion thereof.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and make the assumption that Mr. Tweak is rather counting on us to keep things going here as best we can, until he can afford time to start addressing the issues of this forum again in a proper manner.

    I think it is in the best interest of everyone to exercise a bit of patience.
    This isn't the exact format or interface we had before, not by a long shot.
    But I do think if you give it an honest appraisal we do indeed have the rudimentary tools available to keep this forum alive and healthy.
    Members of this forum have been actively searching for tweaks to get things a little closer to what we consider to be "status quo" for the community as we know it. Given time I for one have no doubt that many, if not all of these tweaks will be implemented into this community.

    Until such time as the other areas of the webmaster business settle down a bit, we really need to pull together.
    We are the community, we are the forum.
    The software is not the forum, the people are. I fear some have lost sight of that.

    So, step back from the keyboard, take a deep breath, count to 10 and let us all get back to doing the things that we as individuals came her to do - share, laugh, learn & help others.

    You can take the boy out of the forum, but you won't take the forum out of the boy.

    Clear your head a minute and let's be the community that we all know we can be. I'm sure that this software hasn't become all it has the potential to be.

    I'm typing, you are reading - communication is taking place.

    Personally, I don't feel either limited or dissapointed by that.

    Now, can we get back to business, there's a community here that wants to thrive and will not be deterred from doing so. As we have proven in the past, the forum will go on so long as we allow it to.
    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.

  • #2
    I could respond to this thread with arguments and start some huge debate, but I won't. As I have said, I don't really care so much that I'm about to leave. I'm sure most users and even most admins and mods feel similarly. If anybody has read parts of the long thread in Whining, that was just me and a few other bored users discussing the matter so much that we probably should have just used an instant messaging program instead. It was in whining for a reason. And remember, whining used to be part of Beer Garden.

    The loss of Beefy will be hard, but I, for one, intend to move on. I couldn't convince him to come back and I'm sure those who know him better won't have much more luck. Beefy left because he felt he had been treated poorly (which I would agree with). However, a simple one-time "communication" issue should not be enough to make most users ready to leave TweakTown. And nethier should software changes that have only made things worse in style (we don't need HTML support and all that stuff). And some users actually like it.

    Even though my posts in the post would indicate otherwise, I agree with Mr. C (although I never elected him as my spokesman). This isn't something we should dwell on. Beefy had his reasons, as others will. Let's just leave it at that and get back to using TweakTown as it is meant to be used.


    • #3
      Can someone shut Yawgm0th up? I'm sick of his yapping.. :)


      • #4
        If it be any comfort to you Yawgm0th I never campaigned for the position of spokesman. Nor does anyone here really require one, as most seem capable of expressing themselves without difficulty.
        It just happened during a past period of discord, which as you can see the community managed to survive.
        The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Beefy
          Can someone shut Yawgm0th up? I'm sick of his yapping.. :)
          Changed your mind have you? I figured you would miss me.


          • #6
            Sorry Mr. C but communication needs at least 2 parcipitants and if Cam had even bothered to reply to anyone of these then this situation could have been avoided;
            Shop PC Trillian logs:-

            Session Start (MSN - Wiggo (B):Cameron): Thu Mar 18 12:42:41 2004
            *** NOTE: Your status is currently set to Away.
            *** [email protected] (Cameron) has joined the conversation.
            Wiggo (B): Cam I need to talk with ya
            Wiggo (B): ya there?
            Session Close (Cameron): Thu Mar 18 12:50:21 2004

            Session Start (MSN - Wiggo (B):Cameron): Thu Mar 18 16:22:11 2004
            *** NOTE: Your status is currently set to Away.
            *** [email protected] (Cameron) has joined the conversation.
            Wiggo (B): I really need to talk with ya Cam
            Session Close (Cameron): Thu Mar 18 16:51:11 2004

            Session Start (ICQ - 47815612:Mr. Tweak): Thu Mar 19 10:35:26 2004
            Wiggo: Cameron will ya contact me please, urgently?
            Session Close (Mr. Tweak): Thu Mar 19 10:56:18 2004

            Shed PC Trillian logs:-

            Session Start (ICQ - 47815612:Mr. Tweak): Sat Mar 20 11:19:39 2004
            Wiggo: Are ya there Cam? I really need to talk to ya.
            Session Close (Mr. Tweak): Sat Mar 20 11:21:24 2004

            Session Start (MSN - Wiggo:Cameron): Sat Mar 21 11:08:35 2004
            *** NOTE: Your status is currently set to Away.
            *** [email protected] (Cameron) has joined the conversation.
            Wiggo: ya there Cam? Need to talk.
            Session Close (Cameron): Mon Mar 21 11:42:51 2004

            Session Start (MSN - Wiggo:Cameron): Mon Mar 22 12:11:55 2004
            *** [email protected] (Cameron) has joined the conversation.
            Wiggo: are ya there Cam?
            Session Close (Cameron): Mon Mar 22 12:44:32 2004
            or even if he bothered to look in the Staff forum but those messages were sent while he was online and showin' as available (not busy or away) so it seems to me that I was just plainly bein' ignored.
            I'm not a mushroom and I don't like bein' treated as one.
            My belief is that this whole thing could've been avoided if one other person had parcipitated. 10 whole days without a word. : peace2:


            • #7
              Not really off topic ,as being far to emotional to respond off the cuff to Mr.C's, obviously manicured post, without sounding like a total git.
              I would rather let this song stand in my stead. Although it is extremely more civil in it's content than my chosen words of the turned out to be.


              "See the words appear on the wall,
              There for every man standing tall.
              This water's pure the well is so deep,
              The only treasure that a man can keep.

              Miles too go and i feel the weight,
              Of these chains that I create.
              As I climb to the top of the hill,
              It draws me still and I can't look back.

              The Heart keeps on burning,
              Oh, wheels, wheels don't slow down.
              My Soul keeps on yearning,
              Oh, wheels draw me homeward bound.

              I'm looking thruogh the eyes of a child,
              Like the innocent and unbegiled.
              From the East and far to the West,
              Soldiers conquering a royal quest.

              One by one as the seasons change,
              I press on in a world so strange.
              As I climb to the top of the hill,
              It draws me still and I won't look back.

              Be a Mountain in time to the reason in rhyme,
              As the glory of youth starts to fade.
              There's more hurting to bear
              For to get there leaves only more pain.

              The Heart keeps on burning,
              The cloud keeps on turning round.
              My heart keep on yearning,
              But these wheels won't turning round."

              KANSAS 1977?
              Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


              • #8
                quote from yagomoth:"The loss of Beefy will be hard, but I, for one, intend to move on."

                I must have missed somthing again, either that or this is the fastest comeback tour ever


                • #9
                  I'm going.. just have to finish something first.


                  • #10

                    Ballox to reading all that.

                    switched off 1/3 way thru.
                    all hot air.


                    • #11
                      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                      • #12
                        Fieldgenerator: I'm assuming by the avatar it's you, as I can't see any usernames at present. Basically a lot of people here are upset about the new forum layout, and the way it has been implemented. Mr. C is simply trying to defuse/explain the situation and to get people to see reason. Several Mods have a beef (no pun intended) with the sites owner, and have, or are in the process of leaving. These are personal matters and not a subject for open discussion which I hope you will understand.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by weta
                          Fieldgenerator: I'm assuming by the avatar it's you, as I can't see any usernames at present. Basically a lot of people here are upset about the new forum layout, and the way it has been implemented. Mr. C is simply trying to defuse/explain the situation and to get people to see reason. Several Mods have a beef (no pun intended) with the sites owner, and have, or are in the process of leaving. These are personal matters and not a subject for open discussion which I hope you will understand.

                          i can't see any ot those names or post counts or any crap opff to the left except avatars


                          i can't think of any reason for it - the board - to have changed, and all this whiing and leaving and crap is just that, CRAP

                          by ???

                          Fact is, most of you upgraded your OS as well.
                          Now, how many of you just slapped that hardware together, loaded an OS and were 100% satisfied with everything right from the git go?
                          I have the answer to that question!
                          EXACTLY 0!
                          duh? so what was so wrong with the old layout and board? it was working perfectly fine

                          i've posted a few questions and not recived "good" answers in the "what should i buy" section, so i post on other boards and get good answers

                          i don't bother reading anything other than beer garden now, and make replies even less

                          why all the whining? i dunno, i didnt' read that bit, and i don't care.
                          all i see is the board changed layout and graphics and it..

                          well, it sucks
                          the graphics look nice, but the layout is ****ed up (and now there's this w/e is going on with the stuff above/below the avatar)

                          am i leaving?
                          na, i'll login to read what new (meaning LAME, already posted, seen a 1000x before, 12years old, etc) jokes are posted every day

                          continue to post?
                          probably even less than now, since questions go left unanswered or worse, are answered with essentially useless information
                          (obtw, i did get that butterfly 480w psu and it SUCKS - well, ok doesn't totaly suck, it works and all - but i hate the multicolored LEDs that keeps changing , i can't set it to ONE damn color and leave it, so it's annoying)

                          the only reason i started here was to get questions asked and answer some
                          hell, i been here before it was even tweaktown
                          i b old-skool

                          you wanna leave? ok, just GO already, don't drag it out
                          make one post about why, or don't, and then log off
                          don't say "i'm leaving" and then make another 3 dozen posts

                          i'm not even gonna tell you who i am, making this post, since the info should be showing up
                          <<<--- over there (if the .sig doesn't give you a clue, nothing will)

                          (no doubt eventually it will, but there's no good reason for it to have dissapeard in the 1st place)

