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Job Vacancy

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  • #61
    Well thats where I met him for the first time :p


    • #62
      i know.... :rolleyes:


      • #63
        pimpin and gang violence, those were the days.

        my name is originally birdkiller, then for homie stuff like gang wars i change it to birdkilla.
        so you just havent known me long enough, prolly a good thing though, who knows what you woulda turned out like if ya knew me as a kid.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Birdkiller
          pimpin and gang violence, those were the days.

          my name is originally birdkiller, then for homie stuff like gang wars i change it to birdkilla.
          so you just havent known me long enough, prolly a good thing though, who knows what you woulda turned out like if ya knew me as a kid.
          Yes Gangwars was fun, and knowing you as a kid wouldn't have stunted my growth in anyway lol


          • #65
            Originally posted by Beefy
            Hang on.. two questions before I think about this job...

            1) What kind of net connection you got

            2) Will I get in trouble for downloading 24/7? :D
            1. We are the ADSL POP for TPG we have a 100 meg connection straight into their pop. You can also dial into work and get free internet from home.

            2. You'll have to work to catch up to me.:devil:


            • #66
              hmm.. very tempting.. :D


              • #67
                Originally posted by Kheldar

                1. We are the ADSL POP for TPG we have a 100 meg connection straight into their pop. You can also dial into work and get free internet from home.

                2. You'll have to work to catch up to me.:devil:
                If I understood a word of that no 1 answer i would be tempted too :confused:


                • #68
                  Kheldar I am interested in the position although I am not sure what the cut-off age is for Junior. Not too woried about the leech access details but some further Position details would be welcomed. :wave:

