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where'd he go??

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  • where'd he go??

    where's albinus?? i haven't seen hom around very much.

  • #2
    yeah, he's been very busy with TAFE and other commitments :(
    so he's not around here a lot anymore
    TweakTown SETI@home Team


    • #3
      Originally posted by Andy
      yeah, he's been very busy with TAFE and other commitments :(
      so he's not around here a lot anymore
      what's he studying at TAFE ?


      • #4
        I think he is out and about looking for a car :p


        • #5
          I'm still here... just in a greatly reduced capacity. Here's the main reasons I'm not here:

          1) TAFE is 9-5, TUE-THU, plus at LEAST 90min travel time each way across town.

          2) Medical problems - due to my hereditary immune deficiency (hypogammaglobulinanaemia if any techos want the proper term) I have had a run of bad viral infections - clearing now (just got my top-up infusion on Friday)

          3) Family problems - not for your ears so don't bother asking :p

          3) Grandfather is coming to visit = clean room. Been cleaning for 2 days straight and no end in sight - had to hurry up as my 19" monitor was hogging the kitchen table up :D

          4) Reviews, reviews, reviews. I am not accepting any more reviews ATM, due to my overload of commitments. Must finish the PC Booster and WinTasks Professional ones no later than tomorrow afternoon.

          Sorry for this to sound like a whine, but I genuinely have been busy. Oh, and for the record I am studying a Diploma in Data Communications, already completed the Network Engineering one.

          Still looking for a car, a few are on offer, an '84 Daihatsu Charade, an '89 Toyota Corolla, and an '85 Ford Falcon. Weighing up the pros and cons of each ATM.

          So just checking in to let you guys know I'm here - I found this thread on the front page - shows you how much time I have in the forums LOL
          What came first - Insanity or Society?


          • #6
            i was just curoious[sp]. whic reminds me I need to clean my room *glups and looks around* :eek: :eek: :confused: HOW does it get so dirty??


            • #7
              TAFE can be quite time consumming. Well at least thats what the tell me.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Albinus

                Still looking for a car, a few are on offer, an '84 Daihatsu Charade, an '89 Toyota Corolla, and an '85 Ford Falcon. Weighing up the pros and cons of each ATM.

                So just checking in to let you guys know I'm here - I found this thread on the front page - shows you how much time I have in the forums LOL

                if you are worried about fuel NOT get the Falcon :p


                • #9
                  if ya worried about fuel consumption then give the golf a try


                  • #10
                    or the commodoore


                    • #11
                      just put the falcon on GAS

                      then who cares about fuel consumption


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kheldar
                        then who cares about fuel consumption
                        ppl who don't get paid lots, or ppl who don't want to spend a fortune on petrol
                        TweakTown SETI@home Team


                        • #13
                          Having owned 3 Corollas...if you want good, reliable, cheap (to run and repair) transport then you'd be mad to go past the Corolla.....not as sexy maybe bit it will get ya there........just make sure, if its the OHC variety, that the cambelt has been replaced (at 100,000 first then every 80,000).......


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Andy

                            ppl who don't get paid lots, or ppl who don't want to spend a fortune on petrol
                            Since the price of GAS(LPG) is less than Half the price of petrol, if you are on a budget then it makes even more sense to convert the falcon over to LPG


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kheldar

                              Since the price of GAS(LPG) is less than Half the price of petrol, if you are on a budget then it makes even more sense to convert the falcon over to LPG

                              Small problem there - the amount of gas needed by a Falcon is about 70% higher (in litre amounts) than petrol - so the cost advantage of LPG is almost wiped out when you factor conversion costs into the equation. So cars that are used a lot (like taxis) are the only ones that can really benefit from a gas conversion.

                              Also, you do lose a fair amount of power on gas, but is greatly offset by the much cleaner emissions :)

                              Still looking... turned down a few ones that seemed OK but have a closer look and there are flaws... I really don't know who the people are who give RWC's to these lemons :hammer:

                              [EDIT] The price of LPG is 39.6c/litre and 77.1c/litre for ULP in SE Queensland, so maybe gas is cheaper in VIC? :confused:[/EDIT]
                              What came first - Insanity or Society?

