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What do you think of the situation in the middle east?

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  • What do you think of the situation in the middle east?

    Just curious what everyone else thinks. Democartes and Republicans welcome. No 3rd parties (just joking).

    Being the conservative Republican that I am, I think that Yaser Arafat (or however you spell his name) should be executed as a terrorist. Also Palastine has no right to the land their on. The Jews have occupied that land long before the birth of Christ. Palastinian terrorists took it over and now want to destroy Israel.

    I don't think that there will ever be peace in that area until either Israel or Palastine along with their leaders colapses.

    Peace in the middle east.: peace2:

  • #2
    Didnt the jews take the land they own now by force in the
    1950's , from palestine and jordan ???

    If so what they are doing now is called invading isnt it ??

    Making a comment is hard because im not religous and live a long way from those regions so the truth could be distorted


    • #3
      If we nuke the place and start again there will be no fighting.


      • #4
        personnaly i'd be surprised if it doesn't turn into a full scale war with all of the middle east involved


        • #5
          Yes Israel IS invading land that was part of Jordan and Palastine because this land was taken from them earlier. But thats a good point volton.

          I don't know about nuking the place. Israel is sort of the center for the three biggest religions in the world (Christianity, Judaish, and Islam)

          I think it will eventually turn into an all out war involving the whole middle east and probably other countries like the US, Russia, and China


          • #6
            Originally posted by poormodder
            Yes Israel IS invading land that was part of Jordan and Palastine because this land was taken from them earlier. But thats a good point volton.

            I don't know about nuking the place. Israel is sort of the center for the three biggest religions in the world (Christianity, Judaish, and Islam)

            I think it will eventually turn into an all out war involving the whole middle east and probably other countries like the US, Russia, and China
            very probably...i just hope Australia doesn't have to waste any money on sending soldiers over


            • #7
              Originally posted by poormodder
              Yes Israel IS invading land that was part of Jordan and Palastine because this land was taken from them earlier. But thats a good point volton.

              I don't know about nuking the place. Israel is sort of the center for the three biggest religions in the world (Christianity, Judaish, and Islam)

              I think it will eventually turn into an all out war involving the whole middle east and probably other countries like the US, Russia, and China
              and I think there is some link to buddah in their as well


              • #8
                haha:laugh: ...probably


                • #9
                  i'm a bit worried about George Bush's agenda at the moment. it seems that he wants to invade Iraq even tho they havent done anything and i think thats wrong. If this whole "war on Terror" is legit and not just "luts blow up the Afghans so i can kill Suddam" then i think they should be turnning there attention towards northern ireland where there are terrorist attacks every day.
                  thats what i think anyway.


                  • #10
                    ah, yes.
                    The forgotton point!
                    It has been quite overlooked by many Americans that the support that the United Kingdom has given the USA in the war on terror will someday require a reimbursement.

                    As for Iraq, maybe Dubya is just picking up where Daddy left off.
                    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mr. C
                      ah, yes.
                      The forgotton point!
                      It has been quite overlooked by many Americans that the support that the United Kingdom has given the USA in the war on terror will someday require a reimbursement.

                      As for Iraq, maybe Dubya is just picking up where Daddy left off.
                      A very valid point. i think he's more in it to make dady proud then do whats best for the world.


                      • #12
                        I think Dubya has become a 2-faced git:confused:

                        Now he wants to back-pedal from every statement he made regarding how a government is to be treated that supports terrorism.

                        He wants Isreal to withdraw?
                        I really think he has forgotten every speech he ever made on the "war on terrorism" issue - now he expects that other countries should play by a completely different set of rules than the ones he laid down for the US.

                        There was a period in time that Arafat was doing good (at least I thought so). There is no doubt that that is history, clearly he is supporting terrorism against Isreal.
                        Isreal should tell Mr. Powell to go home - they have things well in hand.
                        The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                        • #13
                          we all want a war on terror, but i think if he defines terror he'll discover that he's a terrist himself!!

