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Time Travel?

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  • #46
    Hey Slammo,
    I'm not being negative cause I think we will develop time manipulation sooner rather than later....

    Time is our 4th (or 5th) dimension (length,height,depth,(mass), time) .... why don't we try and manipulate one of the other dimensions too????
    People seem to think time manipulation has some thing to do with doesn't necessarily at all.........speed close to light speed does affect time but it is not the sole determinant of time........

    PS...Saturday wine....heavy thought....I think I disappeared up my own fundamental.........Thought about manipulating depth......skinny Oldbugger...hmmmm


    • #47
      Originally posted by Slamo
      Time doesn't have anything to do with light itself. Time has to do with the speed of light. We don't need to change the speed of light as such.
      The closer an object gets to the speed of light, the slower it will actually travel. Time slows down as we approach the speed of light. This is almost a fact.

      If someone were to travel at the speed of light for a long time, they would return to earth and everything they have ever known will have perished, every person they knew would be dead. Time slows down for the time traveller who is travelling at the speed of light.
      now this is just getting funny.. so you're saying that the closer someone gets to the speed of light, the slower they travel? So the faster actually means the slower? :)

      And sure, if someone travels at the speed of light for a long time, everything will perish down here.. but that's a long long time.. they'd have to be travelling for a good million years or so..

      I mean, it's all good and well that you say all this, but some form of scientific backup would be nice.. :rolleyes2

      And good for you being smarter that 90% of people.. i'd really like to know how you worked that out, but it's not important I guess.. as long as you believe it.. :D


      • #48
        Originally posted by Synthetic

        no neither do i. but. prove to me that there was such a person as jesus, that everything that was said about him was true, and that it wasnt just some bed time story...
        if you were really at all interested in learning the truth then you'd actually research it for yourself. It's called history. It IS proven. It has NOT been disproved. Historians DO support the whole idea. To be totally honest, the bible has more historical credibility than any other document in existance. The only issue is being prepared to have an open mind and think about it. I used to think it was crap too. However, here is not the place to discuss such maters. If you want to argue about it, PM me.

        Anyway, back to time. I don't believe in time either. It's merely a concept we humans find easy to understand. Time travel is impossible for many different reasons. It's a fun idea though, a nice story but total bollocks !


        • #49
          Originally posted by Beefy
          And good for you being smarter that 90% of people.. i'd really like to know how you worked that out, but it's not important I guess.. as long as you believe it.. :D
          Hey, i have the same thing going on. Im supposed to be smarter then 92% of people my age (18) Frodge is just stating his credibility when he brought in this whole thread. Credibility that should scare off the likes if you... from changing the suject, i mean.

          Originally posted by FrodgE
          if you were really at all interested in learning the truth then you'd actually research it for yourself. It's called history. It IS proven. It has NOT been disproved. Historians DO support the whole idea. To be totally honest, the bible has more historical credibility than any other document in existance. The only issue is being prepared to have an open mind and think about it. I used to think it was crap too. However, here is not the place to discuss such maters. If you want to argue about it, PM me.
          Yeah, last time i looked this isn' the "evangelism" thread, its about time travel! So don't do it again!

          /looks again and realizes he started religion/proof debate wthin the time travel thread. backs down in shame


          • #50
            And good for you being smarter that 90% of people.. i'd really like to know how you worked that out, but it's not important I guess.. as long as you believe it..

            RAAF. Two days of pure physical, mental and phycological testing.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Slamo

              RAAF. Two days of pure physical, mental and phycological testing.
              Testing, you call that testing:?:
              Try being married:laugh:
              The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


              • #52
                Keep goin Mr forgot kids.....then grandkids.......

                how half of us oldbuggers survived the kids is a wonder....

                I can't think of anything more exasperating then trying to put some logic in my teenage dorta (`12 years ago now) she's a real dream and we get on fine...better than fine.....but it was a real painful road I can tell ya........

                trouble is it looks like she's a few real serious health issues to face (cancer) and that takes the cake in terms of worry I can assure you................

                ps woops...return key stuck


                • #53
                  Keep goin Mr forgot kids.....then grandkids.......

                  how half of us oldbuggers survived the kids is a wonder....

                  I can't think of anything more exasperating then trying to put some logic in my teenage dorta (`12 years ago now) she's a real dream and we get on fine...better than fine.....but it was a real painful road I can tell ya........

                  trouble is it looks like she's got a few real serious health issues to face (cancer) and that takes the cake in terms of worry I can assure you................


                  • #54
                    Well, i guess this is the right thread to post that in, as a time traveling machine would allow you to go back and reassure yourself that it would all turn out OK.: peace2:

                    That would of course stop the possiblility of a parallel universe where you turn into a crazy old man becasue you were too stressed trying to raise her right. Unless that parallel universe is the one we live in? Dont know you that well to make a sure answer.

                    I know i've troubled my mother enough to make her that "crazy" old lady at the top of the street that gives out canned fruit for Halloween and wraps her pets up at Christmas to give to family.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Slamo
                      RAAF. Two days of pure physical, mental and phycological testing.
                      Well, I feel very sorry for that 90% you are smarter that.. I mean, if you can't spell psychological, then what hope have they got? It's a world crisis.. :rolleyes2


                      • #56
                        i'm pretty sure that bit about light speed travel and slowing of time has been explained in star trek before. maybe thats why its almost a fact. Yer a trekkie arent ya?


                        • #57
                          I'd be willing to place a dollar that 89% of people can't spell psychological:?:

                          Our best wishes go out to your daughter Oldbugger. Tough road for your family to travel but your support will certainly smooth the path quite a bit for her.
                          The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                          • #58
                            Didn't he say he already raised her well? I thought he was complaining about something 12yrs ago. Something that was hard but turned out OK.


                            • #59
                              JediAgent if you would be so kind as to direct your attention to the last line of Oldbuggers post you will see what I am referring to.
                              The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                              • #60
                                oh! oops....
                                Sorry to hear that, hope she gets well very soon. I didn't mean to joke around, i didn't see that part of the post.

