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Time Travel?

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  • #61
    no harm done
    I only hope that in another 12 years it will be said that this too turned out OK.
    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


    • #62
      Yes me too, i also hope there still somethin that resembles TT left so someone to tell the story.....


      • #63
        in my view time travel is NOT possible, why?

        if time travel was possible, why have there not been any records of people traveling BACK from the future?

        then we have the argument that we can only travel forwards in time, but does that mean that our own future is preset and we ourselves do not determine our own destiny?

        this argument can also be applied to traveling backwards in time, if we do that, does that mean that the people in the past all lived lives that were already planned for them?

        also if we were able to time travel, what is stopping us from changing the mistakes of the past? for example: hitlar and the nazis, invention of nuclear weapons, unintentionally causing the extinction of many different animals ect.
        So laws and rules may be applied, but still what/who is goning to stop (and find out before they do it) extremist from changing the past to create a future in which they rule? when they change the past, nobody in the future will know.


        • #64
          This is all fun, games, and philosophy until we see writen physical mathematics proof, and a demonstration.


          • #65
            Have you thought that maybe it has been done, and history has been changed, but parralel universes have been created through these actions.....take the books by R Heinlen on time travel, although fiction makes you think


            • #66
              No, I've never thought that.


              • #67
                Time travel con only be possible if one can forget the past yet prodict the future. Or ya can rent dvds, thats time travel aswell!

