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My Town

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  • My Town

    Some interesting history. I had no idea that Terang (the town I live in) had such a historical value.

    Article follows:

    Terang and District's history page
    Terang & District - a brief historical account

    The local aboriginal tribe, Giraiwurung, was the first to discover Terang's natural wealth. Camps were set up beside Lake Terang which was home to an abundance of fish, bird, reptile and mammal life. This provided the tribe with food and water.

    The first European dwelling was a slab hut, erected in 1840 on the eastern bank of the lake by Donald McNicol, an employee of Niel Black of Glenormiston.

    Terang was surveyed in 1858 and land sales followed. The town slowly grew - houses and businesses were built and public facilities were funded through fund raising bazaars and donations.

    Horse and coach services operated by Sumper & Co. and Cobb & Co. provided daily transport to Geelong in the 1870s. The journey took almost 13 hours.

    The railway line from Melbourne reached Terang in 1887 and construction of the link to Warrnambool was completed two years later.

    The township of Terang grew with the region. As the district swung from squatters' sheep to dairy cattle, businesses were established to serve the needs of townsfolk and rural property owners.

    Terang was the first town in the Commonwealth to provide its own Post Office tower and clock through public subscription in 1904.

    A man named Paton opened the first store in Terang - a grocery and produce business. After a series of owners and renovations, a two storey building was constructed on the site. In 1907 the store was sold to a number of local families who formed the Terang & District Co-operative Society. A disastrous fire in 1944 totally destroyed the shop and its stock. The Co-operative was forced to trade from its nearby Noorat branch store and the Terang Band Hall until a new building was completed. Today the 'Co-op' is still operating from its prominent site in Terang's High Street, opposite the Post Office and granite War Memorial.

    Terang is a very community minded town, as will be noted by the fact that they have assisted in the erection of many of the buildings and facilities found within their boundary.

    PS. That very first store is the one I work in now.

  • #2
    are you really THIS bored?!?!?
    TweakTown SETI@home Team


    • #3
      He must have been. :?:


      • #4
        Originally posted by Slamo

        PS. That very first store is the one I work in now.

        ...You must feel special :p


        • #5
          We all feel special, just depends on how many drinks you have b4 hand :D


          • #6
            ...*hic*..I'm ver*hic*..ry*hic*...*stumble*...spehkakele thenms...


            • #7
              Your as special as they come Moose


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wiggo's-sister
                Your as special as they come Moose
                Tharts whart ma marma used to say alll da tarme....:)


                • #9
                  That must be some damn good **** ya drinkin mister


                  • #10
                    Yup...It's either that


                    • #11
                      Or the medication. :D


                      • #12
                        Maybe.....just Maybe it's all three...;)


                        • #13
                          The combination of all the above seems to working just fine for ya :p


                          • #14
                            Yes....yes It is indeed..:D :afro: :laugh: :cry:


                            • #15
                              OH no, you didn't did you?:?:

