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Any tips for paintballing?

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  • #16
    There you go Sis, make sure you team up with your big brother and don't forget Brownie as well, as i am sure she will have fun aiming a few at ppl : peace:


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bahamut Zer0
      Thats 1000 bruises on a good dozen or so people.
      Worth every cent. :)
      gee....I wish every one of my paintballs accounted for a bruise... the vast majority of mine wind up painting the country side a nice pinkish hue :snip:

      ....another thing, depending on your style of play and how long you play'll be amazed how easy it is to go through 1000 rounds


      • #18
        I play Paintball regularly and its a heck of a time. I play usually a 4 on 4 or 6 on 6. Every year i head Ocala (simple city in Florida) and join a 24 hour scenario paintball Tourny. Now that is FUN!!!!

        Anyhow, paintball is like anything else...once you get confidence with the field and lose the fear of hits you get better. Once you know rounds aren't ever str8 you get better. Once you know how to crouch and always maintain a good cover position you get better. A major thing is communication...never lose site of your team and stick with at least one. Not too close to him because if the get him/her they'll get you too. A good site distance for any quick backups.

        As for guns...don't get anything plastic it won't last too long with all the husling. I started off with a SPYDER from Kingman. I still use it. That good is not the best but is a great beginner gun and have all sorts of available mods.

        This is the gun i use:
        Its automatic but itsnot even close to the best auto out the there. The trigger is electronic and settings are done with jumpers instead of buttons. The features are 3 round burst, 6 round burst, fully auto and semi auto. The trigger is adjustable..i have it so it feels like a mouse click...literally. The trigger is just a piece if metal the real trigger is behind it..a button so its incredible how fast you click that baby. Oh and my gun's color is not like this one..but its the same gun otherwise.
        - Damien


        • #19
          Flaco has the basic doctrine down cold -- Move Shoot Communicate

          The fundamentals of fireteam tactics, find a group that can effectively hone those skills and you will deal out death and destruction in large doses every time. Skill level priority1 for ground troops in the 21st century, yessir.
          The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mr. C

            you will deal out death and destruction in large doses every time.
            Where do you buy your paintballs a gun shop?
            :shoot3: :shoot2:
            - Damien


            • #21
              Copper jacketed most likely. :D


              • #22
                HAHA...i don't doubt that either
                - Damien


                • #23
                  These tips and tricks r making it more exciting by the minute. I guess I need to line myself up a reliable partner.

                  *Ponders the thought* Now who care I really trust? :devil:


                  • #24
                    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                    • #25
                      Who said that? :confused:


                      • #26
                        sorry dear I aint playing this time..........maybe G would be a good one to team with or even chook..........nah you would want to paintball him a few times lol


                        • #27
                          But, but...... I was aiming to get both of them. :snip:


                          • #28
                            In that case expect to get really splatterd then.........just get your shots in first lol


                            • #29
                              In the confusion of combat, casualties from "freindly fire" aren't uncommon:devil:
                              The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                              • #30
                                :laugh: I didn't say mine were going to be friendly....... did I?

