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I need a CD-MP3 review site

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  • I need a CD-MP3 review site

    I'm in the market for my first CD-MP3 player. I'm currently doing my research from website to website and every time I thought I've found my player I find another player that tops it. So, I need a website dedicated to reviewing CD-MP3 players. Does anyone know of such sites? has several reviews but I need more.

  • #3
    just remember the battery life sucks on all CD-MP3 players. you won't be able to play all the MP3's on a single CD before the batteries wear out.

    I much prefer a solid state player which uses Compact Flash. You can get a 256 MB Compact Flash card for like $80 [US].. which should give you 3.5-5 hours of music depending on bitrate.

    Here's is one I like a lot the NEX II from

    I bought one 6 months ago [for $50US without any memory cards]. and love it the volume can get nice and loud if you need to hook it up to external speakers or something.


    • #4
      Sony has players that run 24+ hours with mp3 and 30+ with regular CD. Now that is hot.:devil win


      • #5
        As much as I think Apple has re-defined 'poor decision making'....

        The iPod is THE best portable MP3 player to date. And it is usable with PC's if you have a firewire connection on your computer.

        Memory Cards will start dropping in price very soon, (Samsung has just tripled their production) which will make other solutions more feasable. I think any MP3 player with less than a Gigabyte of storage is silly.

        I do not own an iPod yet, because I am still hoping another mp3 player will be created using the same hard drive used in the iPod, and also wisely choose to implement 2 'AAA' batteries. Two triple A batteries would give the iPOD 50-60 hours of use. The current battery in te iPod gives it 10-12 hours. A horrible battery choice on the part of Apple.


        • #6
          Originally posted by erwin1978
          Sony has players that run 24+ hours with mp3 and 30+ with regular CD. Now that is hot.:devil win
          I go 3+ weeks without changing the regular alkaline AA batteries in my NEX II. i listen to it 2.5-3 hours a day.


          • #7
            Samsung hard-drives are teh ghey.

            If i was ever inclined to drop the 300+ dollars on an mp3 player, I certainly wouldnt be stupid enough to buy a product that has stupidly low battery life, and uses the most dodgey hard-drives out there. Especially given the nature of the portable device.

            Can you say 'oops, i dropped my ipod'

