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September 11 - Remembering Back

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  • September 11 - Remembering Back

    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
    Managing Director
    Tweak Town Pty Ltd

  • #2
    Thank you for your thoughts.


    • #3
      Have many friends New York - Thank You. Doc show me this picture for you:


      • #4
        This may offend some, if so, I'm sorry, but I think that it's important people realise a few things.

        First off, let me start by saying that September 11 was, indeed, a tragedy, as it always is when innocent people are killed for political ideals. I extend my respect and my commiserations to those related to any who died during the attack.


        Some teachers at our school were considering having a minutes silence for those killed during the attacks. Now, I think it's important we remember those we've lost, but if we had a minute's silence for every 3000 Iraqi children killed by food sanctions imposed by the United States of America, we would have to remain silent for nearly three hours straight.

        The point I'm trying to make here is not that we should forget September 11, but that we should realise that just as people are doing things to America, America is doing things to others. Al-Queda does things to America for what it claims are religious ideals, and that is scoffed at - but America invades a country, claiming it is doing so for 'moral purposes'.

        More innocent civilians have been killed by American bombs in Afghanistan than innocent civilians were killed on September 11, and Osama bin Laden still roams free. Now it seems that the United States have given up on him and have decided that Saddam Hussein is the next best target.

        It seems so quickly forgotten, too, who installed these people in the first place. It is not commonly realised that Saddam Hussein would not be in power in Iraq if it were not for the United States of America's intervention. And who, in June last year, was offering Afghanistan's government - at that time, the Taliban, billions of dollars in exchange for the right to build an oil pipeline through their country. Where was America's moral objection then? The Taliban were still enforcing the law back then as they in January this year. On September the 10th they were economic allies, on September the 12th they were demoic, religious fanatics.

        For all America's self-righteous indignation, and despite it's claims that it is acting for the 'security of the world', it is a sad fact that America is simply a rogue, arrogant state, being controlled by oil billionaires and a man who wants a war because his daddy had one, too.

        Quite a few people have probably taken offense to this post - please remember that, aside from the clearly stated facts, this is my opinion. Also, please do not think that this is a case of America-bashing or racism. I know American people are just as nice (or just as *******ly) as Australians, or English, or any nationality, including some of the good people on these forums. It is simply the arrogancy and attitude of the American government's foreign policy (or lack of it) that infuriates me to such a degree.

        To any American who has lost a loved one from the plane crashes, I am deeply sorry and wish you the best.

        To any Iraqi parent who has lost a child from lack of sustinence, I am deeply sorry and wish you the best.

        To any Afghanistani who has lost a loved one by bomb, bullet, or shell, I am deeply sorry and wish you the best.

        -Gavin Ballard
        -Australian And Conscientious Objector


        • #5
          I'm with Osiris. Sure, the whole Sept 11 thing was a big tradegy, but with the amount of media coverage, talk, etc.. it's just making people sick of it. Why don't we have tributes for all the earthquakes that happen? Because the media doesn't find any replay value in it..

          I'm not trying to be a heartless prick here, but enough is enough.


          • #6

            First I didn't know how exactly to respond to your post - be it in anger or whatever. But on second thoughts, I can see your point but I'm afraid there will be many posts following mine who will disagree and probably in a negative mannor - Admins and mods, I think it is important we let everyone have their say. Please let the thread flow...

            In an ideal world we wouldn't have terrible things happening like September 11. But it is the world we live and it is not going to be the last time it happens.

            Let's just pray some day we can all get along.

            : peace2:
            Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
            Managing Director
            Tweak Town Pty Ltd


            • #7
              Originally posted by Beefy
              I'm not trying to be a heartless prick here, but enough is enough.
              I agree...

              It has been done in the most profitable way - but that is media for you.

              As I sit hearing the names of the victims been read out on CNN, Beefy you may feel different if one of your family members or friends were killed on September 11 - I know I would.
              Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
              Managing Director
              Tweak Town Pty Ltd


              • #8
                God Bless the USA


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mr.Tweak
                  As I sit hearing the names of the victims been read out on CNN, Beefy you may feel different if one of your family members or friends were killed on September 11 - I know I would.
                  There's a good chance I would feel different, and I'd probably feel different if I was an American citizen... but I'm speaking as an Australian here. It's also dredging up a lot of stuff that people might not want to go through again. And like I said before, why haven't they done the same to any of the major natural disasters?

                  That's true though, under different circumstances, it would be a lot different, just giving my opinion...


                  • #10
                    I got the following 1600x1200 high quality September 11 related wallpapers from a website which I pay for called I thought you guys may like to use them, click the link below for the 1600x1200 version.

                    Tribute in Light, New York City, New York
                    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
                    Managing Director
                    Tweak Town Pty Ltd


                    • #11
                      Freedom of Spirit
                      Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
                      Managing Director
                      Tweak Town Pty Ltd


                      • #12
                        God Bless America
                        Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
                        Managing Director
                        Tweak Town Pty Ltd


                        • #13
                          If there are gods may they bless all people of the world
                          and spread common sense among leaders


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by pdv
                            If there are gods may they bless all people of the world
                            and spread common sense among leaders
                            If only more people thought the way you did.
                            Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
                            Managing Director
                            Tweak Town Pty Ltd


                            • #15
                              Amen pdv. They are determined to kill us all yet.

