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Hard Piano Music

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  • Hard Piano Music

    Talk about hard check this out...this is a Piano Piece from Chopin (its a French name pronounced almost like Chopan). This piece is 11 pages long and a girl in my music conservatory took 1 year to finally learn this piece and right now its "ok". She rocks and ownnz the piano she has been playing for ten years...which just goes to show you how difficult this Piano piece from Frederick Francois Chopin really is.

    The Piece is called Revolutionary Study XII.

    It would prolly take me three or so years to learn this baby.

    [HISTORY LESSON]:Frederic Francois Chopin Polish composer of French descent. Born 1 Mar 1810 died 17 Oct 1849 in Paris. Lived in Poland until 1827 and played in Vienna. Went to Paris in 1831 and decide to remain there. Had a series of love affairs but remained unmarried. Suffered from tuberculosis of the throat and gave his last public concert in 1848, he died the following year.

    Revolutionary Study XII (its the first one on the list)
    - Damien

  • #2
    I still cannot believe that people are able to move there fingers like that.... Actually I can, my fingers are moving quite fast right now.... Anyway I don't think I could do that :(.


    • #3
      ya when you type think about how fast your finger move. Anyway when getting a link from FLACO. I'm still a bit skeptical about watching it thinking that something might jump out at me or something. But no we do got some talented people on this planet.


      • #4
        lol yeah you have to watch him for that kind of stuff...


        • #5
          only a midi? I'll get it at home then. Will sound a lot better on an SB Live than here at work...


          • #6
            Considering my comp doesnt have sound.....


            • #7
              Great am alright but wow when i heard her play that i was like "WTF!" she is good and the music is intense!
              - Damien


              • #8
                Originally posted by pga1234
                lol yeah you have to watch him for that kind of stuff...
                I like to keep my buddies on their toes...its much more fun when you don't expect it...

                But you got my word on this one...its not a creature from the 78th dimension jumping at you're cool...just good music.
                - Damien


                • #9
                  any chance of a live mp3 of that piece? :)


                  • #10
                    I'll see what i can find...please hold....

                    *Thank You for holding; your call is important to us. Again, thank you for your patients...a representative will be with you shortly.*

                    You like classical music Beefy?
                    - Damien


                    • #11
                      OK, go to kazaa and type in "Revolution Etude"

                      Etude= French word meaning "Study"
                      - Damien


                      • #12
                        will do when I get home.

                        I like all kinds of music, but I am very impressed with stuff that is complex. Been listening to some Steve Vai guitar stuff lately, that man has talent...


                        • #13
                          I would d/l music like that. Good pieces of Piano or Guitars but with this 56gay I can't really do it to well. But then the no sound thing is a bit of a problem too...


                          • #14
                            Sound is the main priority there

                            I seem to have the same perspective that you have on music and well everything else for that matter. I just stay "awd" to know a man made this music.The left is so quick and percise. While the right has a different timing and melody. That man made music for people with two brains. One for the right hand and another for the left.
                            - Damien


                            • #15
                              Yeah. The brain is actually divided into two parts. The left side controls the right side. And the right side controls the left side. Or something like that. Anyway, it is amazing that people can do things like that.

