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  • Yeaaahhhh!!

    It's Friday nite...I'm scratchin'...I'm dancin'....

  • #2
    Its Sunday and I am home ................yeah


    • #3
      Sorry, but i fail to see this as belonging in the BG Games area.. or any point to it at all. ...?


      • #4
        I've decided it goes in the BG proper, if anywhere, till we've had further thoughts on it's survival. ;)


        • #5
          i thought about that, but the deletion came to mind.. :)


          • #6
            T'was a though but it'd go off topic soon enough anyway here. :D

            Oh have we worked out what the topic is yet :?:


            • #7
              Ummmm nice weather we are having


              • #8
                OK, if nothing has happened in here worth keeping by tomorrow then this thread is killed... Ok?


                • #9
                  That's mighty unsporting. Since when has worthy content been part of the Beer Garden?
                  Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
                  My Toys


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Beefy
                    OK, if nothing has happened in here worth keeping by tomorrow then this thread is killed... Ok?
                    Not nice Beefy I remember a thread that was killed on us just as we had warmed up and had changed the subject nicely. Talk about killed in the throes of a nice off subject posting frenzy...................whats wrong with you :?: this thread will do fine whenever the rest of the members come back, and the subject has already been changed...........I have there :p


                    • #11
                      Sorry Darth, but this thread started off in the BG Games area, to which it had no point at all, and now it's here, to no point at all..

                      But I did say that unless something worthy had been posted, I would delete. and I guess something worthy has been posted.. So I won't. : peace2:


                      • #12
                        You are such a good boy.............sometimes :thumb:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Darthtanion
                          That's mighty unsporting. Since when has worthy content been part of the Beer Garden?
                          Well, there has been the rare occasion I suppose:?:
                          But it was certainly never a requirement:D

                          I'm thinking Beefy is really starting to like the way the hammer fits his hand since he pounded the chaff out of the BG Games
                          Go Beefy!! :thumb:

                          Originally posted by Beefy[B]OK, if nothing has happened in here worth keeping by tomorrow then this thread is killed... Ok?
                          Everything is on schedule - clear out folks, destruction is eminent. :hammer:

                          Please, continue with the countdown: peace2:
                          The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                          • #14
                            Apparently impending doom isn't so impending anymore...

                            I just think my tolerance for very pointless threads has dropped considerably due to the whole Windows XP forum being as it is / was...


                            • #15
                              You have to realise the BG is not technical talk and if anyone doesnt like the subject, here they can change it, you are getting serious boyo, lighten up a fraction : peace: . don't worry we still luv ya

