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  • #16
    I noticed also like 350mhz then its a p2 233...?????

    Also PGA...for 449.99 (which is the actual price of this calculator) you can get yourself a decent computer, i mean if i look hard enough i can get a celeron 1.7, 20 gigs,32x, mobo for 300 bucks. All cheap stuff but who knows what the heck is in that box.
    - Damien


    • #17
      Probably good stuff, just very old and costly. :devil:

      Truth be known, similar PII 350 setups here go for around $260-$300aus. ;)


      • #18
        It looks like an AMD sticker on the box. Also in the specs list, it says P2-233. I see used 17" monitors at computer shows all the time for $40-50us. I've got enough parts to make a much better machine than that, that I would love to get $400 for. I'd even deliver and set it up locally.


        • #19
          It does look like an AMD sticker...but i am not a hundred percent though...
          - Damien


          • #20
            no, it's an intel inside sticker down the bottom corner...


            • #21
              hmm, this is what I have to say about the computer sales person.

              They are the new slime of the earth, at least in retail. Much worse than the used car sales person.

              :devil: <- that is a picture of a computer sales person....beware



              • #22
                Am I allowed to take offense to that? Or are we going to assume there is always an exception?


                • #23
                  hehe, there is always an exception to rules. But the reality is most ppl in the computer retail industry are going to try and rip unknowledgable ppl off. hehe, did not mean to offend! :thumb:


                  • #24
                    I don't build in quantity but when i do i give them what they pay for....:thumb:
                    - Damien


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mr. C
                      unless your gaming I reckon it will do a lot.
                      But I still think he got an old catalog:p
                      What does this tell ya????:p
                      - Damien


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by saidin
                        hmm, this is what I have to say about the computer sales person.

                        They are the new slime of the earth, at least in retail. Much worse than the used car sales person.

                        :devil: <- that is a picture of a computer sales person....beware

                        i too should be taking offense to this. not all salespeople are ripping you off, only ones who are in the job for money only


                        • #27
                          now now boys...............take a gate instead of a fence : peace2:


                          • #28
                            Maybe I should to but I think that he actually means "Carreers Salesppl" as opposed to us because that's what most of these ppl are and most hardly know much more about PC's than the ppl they sucker every day.


                            • #29
                              It's critical that when purchasing anything from groceries to a new car that you be armed with a bit of knowledge prior to shopping.

                              I'll tell you who rips people off - it's those buyers club arrangements, annual/monthly dues to be paid:?:

                              Geez Oh Pete!
                              I don't shop in stores that charge admission, why would I want to do that?
                              No sirreee. Lot's of places I can go online or IRL to look at and buy stuff without paying extra for the priveledge.

                              lookithere, if I buy a new house and 2 cars with my credit card I can fly to Hawaii for free:laugh:
                              The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                              • #30
                                was that a tad :rolleyes2 Mr C :?: :laugh:

