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Picture of the people living in the Forum

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  • I just went to the wieght watchers site and checked out the recipes. I cook all day Sunday for the whole week. 95% of the recipes are really nice and easy to prepare.:lips:
    I like the Bacon & Vegi slice but remember you can still have a hamburgar too.


    • Originally posted by Mr.Tweak
      I'd like to loose aout 10kg, any tips? :D
      Marry a bad cook...:rofl:


      • I wasn't even trying when I lost it, and i'm still losing it too. :) I just cut back on snacking and stuff, and ate a little bit healthier when I could. I still eat fast food and stuff, but just not as much.

        Oh, and doing 5+ hours of sports helped. :) My typical week was playing netball one night a week, BJJ training 4 nights a week and hockey on weekends. :D


        • Originally posted by Beefy
          Oh, and doing 5+ hours of sports helped. :) My typical week was playing netball one night a week, BJJ training 4 nights a week and hockey on weekends. :D
          Beefy playing netball... now that would have to be a sight to be seen to be believed! :) :laugh:
          Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
          Managing Director
          Tweak Town Pty Ltd


          • I've played for years.. :) It's good fun. Keeps you fit.. ;)


            • hmm... whats netball :confused:


              • A sport played predominately by females. It's similar to basketball, except the rings don't have backboards, and you can't run while you've got the ball... and you have to shoot from within a certain area, and there's only certain areas each player can step in... :)


                • Originally posted by Beefy
                  A sport played predominately by females. It's similar to basketball, except the rings don't have backboards, and you can't run while you've got the ball... and you have to shoot from within a certain area, and there's only certain areas each player can step in... :)
                  And when you shoot, it looks funny... :laugh:
                  Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
                  Managing Director
                  Tweak Town Pty Ltd


                  • Cutting out the snacks in between meals and walking 4kms a day has made a huge difference for us.


                    • Originally posted by Beefy
                      A sport played predominately by females. It's similar to basketball, except the rings don't have backboards, and you can't run while you've got the ball... and you have to shoot from within a certain area, and there's only certain areas each player can step in... :)
                      Just goes to show Female sport can be more complicated doesn't it :rolleyes2


                      • Originally posted by Kay
                        Just goes to show Female sport can be more complicated doesn't it :rolleyes2
                        ...As are females in general....:p
                        SPAM Special Ops


                        • Originally posted by Kay
                          Just goes to show Female sport can be more complicated doesn't it :rolleyes2
                          No, it's just different to basketball..


                          • Originally posted by Beefy
                            No, it's just different to basketball..
                            Is that thingy more fun than basketball..


                            • True, and both have their supporters :kay:


                              • OK, since this thread is called Pictures of the people living in the Forums......someone's gotta have a picture of Beefy playing netball...or just a netball pic that'd give some of us Yanks an idea what it's like?:)

