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Nice Weather in Florida

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  • How do you guys support that...its gets 40 degrees and i am freezing my ass off especially close to the shore...
    - Damien


    • Ya what flaco said: man it gets in the 40's im bring out the blankets.... not to mention when i go outside BRRRRR! I could not even think of being in weather of -anything!!! I dont think my body could funtion in that kind of weather.... I guess I should stop ruding out the canadians that "dont know how to drive in FLORIDA" when they are running as fast as they can to the beaches here. Laughing nuthing personal.... but where in the heck do they get there DL??? I hate like hell being cut off when driving but I get even more angry when I get cut off not once not twice but three times .... and the tag says: Quebec!!
      Although remembering when I was a teen and at the beach.... this one boy.... ohhh he was soooooo cute.... broke my heart when he went back home to Quebec!!

      Anyways... the weather here in Florida atm is on its period!! It was cold yesterday.... hot today... "go figure" gonna rain tomorrow and by the weekend it will be in the 50's.... no wonder I have the sniffles.... and an uncontrolable cough!!


      • Ya could come here for the highend 30C's and smoke. ;)


        • Originally posted by E^vol
          I actually live accross Lake Ontario from Toronto in a little residential area called Beamsville - I just use Toronto since it's more internationally recognizable
          I go through mississauga all the time :thumb:

          I've been to Montreal a couple of times too - actually Laval - I played a couple of football games there back when I used to be athletic:rolleyes:


          • Wow..

            Either way it's too hot Down Under and too Cold Up Top... I think I'll stay in the middle.....

            *Mixes up some Avacado and Salsa for dip*!!


            • Ya California is pretty tricky thou... although your weather kinda runs hand in hand with Florida .... I could not live there.... I would freak out big time every time there is an earthquake!! I'll stick with Florida with there hit and miss hurricanes. Atleast we are prepared for them... not like earthquakes they come as they please... to scary for me! I would like to visit there and run the streets looking for all the acters!! "but heck most of em are moving to florida too"
              I want to go to the land down under.....
              Just thinking... my other half gets his vacation in Feb... and he is talking about going up to the mountains in New York.... I think he is pretty nuts!! New York.... February.... The mountains='s Way to cold for me!!


              • StormyWeather, I am from Quebec, and yes, most of us drive like nuts (Montreal area). Although, Ontario drivers tend to stay in the fast lane, and not move over for faster drivers. Bugs the hell out of me. As far as vacations are concerned, I'm going to Vancouver for Xmas, with a 3 night stay in Whistler !!! SKI TIME ! Vancouver can't deal with heavy snow...I was there a few years ago and they closed the whole city because of 2 feet of snow. I saw people trying to "shovel" the snow with a broom ! :laugh: Makes me laugh when people aren't used to certain weather, and they freak out. I go out driving when it snows. (handbrake around the corners).
                SPAM Special Ops


                • LOL.... driving in the snow aint that bad its when it turns to slush... a few years ago I was in New York (downtown area) and was driving in slush when all i did was just touched my breaks just a little and I was in a massive slide scared the dodo outta me!! I remember back... I was a kid in the late 70's and it snowed here in florida... the only reason I knew it was snowing was becuz the kid next to me was black. It was one of those melt as fast as it fell deals.... god i was in like first grade I like when I wake up in the mornings and there is frost on the windows.... makes me all excited!!


                  • Cooler today but windy here...............pleasant here but not for the fire fighters, fires all over this dry dry state :(


                    • Kay, Wiggo, Wiggo's Sister and all the rest of Tweak Town's own....

                      I've been reading about the fires in Sydney...they sound horrible. PLEASE take care!!!

                      One article was pretty descriptive and was going into how the residence of Sydney were fighting side by side with the Fire Fighers....

                      Further along the street a party of two dozen young men and women manned a bucket line at the back of a house, while two firemen pumped water from a hot-tub to fight back the fire when it charged toward them, smothering all in thick, choking smoke.

                      "This is the true nature of the Australian spirit," said 25-year-old Wayne Rogers. And in true Aussie spirit the young Australians fought the blaze with cold beers in hand.

                      The article went on to say this same group of young folks had helped to save many house on the same street....

                      I hope the winds die down soon...


                      • Originally posted by E^vol
                        StormyWeather, I am from Quebec, and yes, most of us drive like nuts (Montreal area). Although, Ontario drivers tend to stay in the fast lane, and not move over for faster drivers. Bugs the hell out of me.
                        there are a few of those type drivers in Ontario - although most of them seem to have come accross the boarder from Buffalo & can't convert 100km/h into mph so the drive real slow just to be safe:laugh:

                        On the highway I take on the way into work in the monings if you're not doing 140km/h in the passing lane you're pissing people off - fortunately I don't have a problem doing 140....


                        • Yes we have over 70 fires ringing in Sydney and the west thru to the north here has been cut off for nearly 40hrs now with a lot of ppl spending their weekend in the metro area seein' as they can't get to their homes past the fires. :(

                          So far this mornin' looks good and at 6.30am here it's only 18C plus no wind yet but south to west and onto north is all just smoke. Ya'd think that after the fires we had last season that there wouldn't be anything left to burn, maybe next season. Thanx to those firefighters too from the southern states that have come to give our boys and girls a hand. :thumb:


                          • Gesh with 40 fires going the air must be thick and hard to breathe.
                            Last night I watched as the coldness brew into my area!! The fog was thick until the rain started falling. Around 10:00 today it got really cold cold cold... I had to actually get up and close the windows and turn off the fans!! It was really cool this evening I went out to the store to do some xmas shoppin and there was a lite mist of rain falling (looked like snow falling) cuz it was blowing like snow would do.


                            • From one extreme to another.........seems like the weather is playing havoc all over the matter what the season :kay:


                              • It's about -5C and sunny here this morning...still a little cold for this time of year but otherwise a beautiful day.

                                I'm taking my 3 & 4 yr. old out to cut down a christmas tree a little later on.

