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Nice Weather in Florida

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  • #16 know the feeling..last year i was testing and inspecting a bridge job at Campbell Drive in Homestead...and dude when i touched that concrete and water...and then let that wind hit your was bitter cold...! fingers hurt
    - Damien


    • #17
      I have never seen snow fall, but I did see old snow in Flagstaff Arizona. I thought it was going to be all nice a fluffy, and i jumped into it ass really hurt. No one ever told me that old snow would harden and turn into ice. hehe, I guess that is what you get for being born and raised in a tropical climate! hehe:laugh:


      • #18

        I had a pretty cold job about 30yr ago. I worked night shift (10pm-10am) maintanence at a ski resort. We pumped water from a river up the slopes for the snow machines. One night a valve broke in a connections pit, and it filled waist high with water. It was well below freezing and we were making snow. I had to climb into the pit and fix the valve. When I got out I could only take a few steps before my (thoroughly soaked) insulated coveralls froze solid from the waist down. I had a big, two-fisted screwdriver that I beat on my knees enough to break the ice enough so I could get on my ATV and get back to the maint. shack. Another time I had to climb a chair lift tower in a blizzard to fix a cable that jumped off. Couldn't stay up there more than 10 min at a time with the wind packing snow in my ears and nose. I would stay up until my hands couldn't hold the wrench anymore. When I'd drop the wrench, it was time to climb down and warm up. All my drinking buddies back then used to piss me off by calling me "snowman" all of the time because of my job.


        • #19
          Originally posted by saidin
          I have never seen snow fall, but I did see old snow in Flagstaff Arizona. I thought it was going to be all nice a fluffy, and i jumped into it ass really hurt. No one ever told me that old snow would harden and turn into ice. hehe, I guess that is what you get for being born and raised in a tropical climate! hehe:laugh:
          I have never seen snow period...i'm in the same situation as did snow once in florida tho..
          - Damien


          • #20
            ya it snowed in florida back in 1979. But that was before my time... :(


            • #21
              I don't even think you were "hanging" at that time...
              - Damien


              • #22
                lol nope..I wasn't even an idea. My parents weren't even married lol.


                • #23
                  This cool weather is awesome!!! Feeling the excitement of saving money on my electric bill since it runs me pretty much $265.00 a month!! With the colder season coming around it will drop down to $85-$90 a month. Gives me more money to spend on ME ME ME!!

                  I remember the snow fall in florida in 79, although it melted as soon as it hit the ground it was still pretty exciting to see. Last year we did have some really cold weather when I woke up and seen ice on the lawn and on the windows!! It was pretty cool too!

                  With this weather I feel like I was beaming off the walls!! I actually opened all the windows and actually dusted the walls! LOL I even went outside and did some yard work!! "yippie" lol


                  • #24
                    Its alot easier to work in this weather...right Stormyweather girl?
                    - Damien


                    • #25
                      tell me about it Full of energy here!! and I owe it all to the Weather!!


                      • #26
               if only we can get those hurricanes to show up here. :rolleyes:


                        • #27
                          I see you have a liking to hurricanes too, I like going to the beach before and after hurricanes. Well I still remember Hurricane Andrew it was pretty freaky for me and I was living in Hollywood at the time. I was glad I wasnt in homestead.


                          • #28
                            ya I remember andrew even though I was only 7 years old. Not much damge but I remember going to the beach and seeing it all torn up and looking at windows bunched out in all the buildings that were off the beach. It was sad though. Then I remember a few months ago in the newspaper there was an article about the 10th anniversery of andrew. Wow they sure have done alot in the past 10 years. Its sad though.

                            Actually I don't really like hurricanes I just like the hurricane days that we get off from school. Haven't had one of those in years. In fact I think the last hurricane day that I got I was in 8th grade. Hurricane Georges I think it was. Then again I'm not sure. But all in all we haven't had a decent storm since andrew.


                            • #29
                              I like small hurricanes.... I like going outside during them and watching the transformers blow up with all those pretty blue colors. And watching the trees blow and stuff!!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ReSpAwN DeMoN

                                Actually I don't really like hurricanes I just like the hurricane days that we get off from school. Haven't had one of those in years. In fact I think the last hurricane day that I got I was in 8th grade. Hurricane Georges I think it was. Then again I'm not sure. But all in all we haven't had a decent storm since andrew.
                                I think you should stick to teacher's planning day....hurricane are no good...

                                Originally posted by StormyWeather

                                I like small hurricanes.... I like going outside during them and watching the transformers blow up with all those pretty blue colors. And watching the trees blow and stuff!!
                                I'll stick to real fireworks stormy...power outages suck...and hurricanes mess up agricultures system...with floods and all...Hurricane george although not big his floods did alot of damage to the agricultral community...
                                - Damien

