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Note to terrorists

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  • #16
    well theres nothing much u can really add, well done Mr Tweak :cheers: , i know for one that u speak what thousands of aussies are out there feeling at the moment.

    and as one of my fav radio anouncers says "lets keep the dream alive"


    • #17
      Originally posted by StormyWeather
      You know that poem was well said: First of all these little scum sucking terroists are cowards!!! They don't come and fight face to face.... they strick when least exspected!! They are brain washed as kids!! Anyone that puts a bomb on there body and walks into a nightclub or parks a car or flies an airplane into buildings are spineless ruthless people. They are pretty much linking the snipper f@#cker to the spinless people. Its just like them!! Strick when least exspected!! These bomber have been doing this way before the gulf war. They set off sooooooooo many bombs in Isreal... fighting who they thought were there worst enemy! I say to hell with em all, they need to be taken out one by one!!
      Never under estimate your enemy and that is what America has done, until now.

      America is not an innocent country either; they have some pretty ****ed up history that they hide from the public eye.

      And remember, they think exactly the same about us.

      I am not saying that what they are doing is O.K, it's not by a long shot.

      But just remember what they have had to put up with from America.


      • #18
        Who's your favourite radio anouncer???


        • #19
          Originally posted by Moose
          Never under estimate your enemy and that is what America has done, until now.

          America is not an innocent country either; they have some pretty ****ed up history that they hide from the public eye.

          And remember, they think exactly the same about us.

          I am not saying that what they are doing is O.K, it's not by a long shot.

          But just remember what they have had to put up with from America.
          What history is that...i'm curious?:confused:
          - Damien


          • #20

            Before shooting off your mouth, it would be better for you next time to read my posts - I was sent the note from another person. It is not my opinion.
            Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
            Managing Director
            Tweak Town Pty Ltd


            • #21


              • #22
                Originally posted by FLaCo
                What history is that...i'm curious?:confused:

                One example:

                America acts all tough and doesn't let anyone have nuclear weapons. The problem being, America is the only country to have set off a nuke on a city killing millions of innocent people.

                Not that I am saying that it was a bad thing but I was just answering your question.

                EDIT: sorry, not one, TWO cities.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by FLaCo
                  What history is that...i'm curious?:confused:
                  Kent State.
                  The genocide of Native Americans.
                  The slaughter of various villages carried out during the Korean Conflict & the police action in Viet Nam.

                  Just to name a few............
                  I imagine they teach a good deal more about these events abroad than they do here at home, if you can imagine that:?:
                  The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                  • #24
                    In the end we still end up with blood on our hands.

                    We go to war and fight against these barbaric people, innocent people die. If we back away and cower from these peple, still innocent people die. Either way people get hurt and nothing really changes. It just starts over from scratch again after they rebuild their follows, because these people become angry and seek revenge for the deaths of their loved ones.

                    I heard something on the radio the other day that really rang a bell with me; The anouncer said, "so many faiths, so many beliefs and until we all have the same faith and beliefs there will never be an end to war or terrorism".

                    So, do we just keep fighting these people and killing them, and then killing the people that seek revenge for their deaths?

                    Or, do we sit around twiddling our thumbs trying to figure out another way to deal with these types of people?

                    I don't claim to know the answers, all I see if death and more people getting hurt in the process.

                    Don't get me wrong, I think what these people are doing is wrong, but is killing them and then the next generation, and the next generation, etc..............., the answer to this situation?

                    Dealing with it like this might or might not be the answer, who knows?

                    It was just how I viewed the current circumstances bottom line.

                    It will be never ending, until the world is non-existent anymore unless we find a better answer than the one we have at present.


                    • #25
                      Ok, what did we do to Afghan?
                      - Damien


                      • #26
                        I didn't say we did anything specific to them at all. All I'm saying this will be a never ending story until no-one is left to fight.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by FLaCo
                          Ok, what did we do to Afghan?
                          The war between Iraq and America has been going on for a long time now, it's all about not letting Iraq have weapons of mass destruction now thou.

                          But no country is clean, Russia has a bad name with it's KGB, and even Australia's own ASIO has bound to have been up to something that is not right.


                          • #28
                            Mr. C

                            While I agree that the U.S. has done a lot or sorry ****, I take exception with you listing Kent State. The outcome there was not planned, but the result of a number of stupid errors. We had an idiot Governor who was trying to establish a national reputation as a "tough guy" like Daily was percieved in Chicago. He sent in troops who were: young and inexperienced, had zero training in crowd control, had no means to defend themselves but their rifles and had it beaten into their heads over and over in basic training that in times of danger, your rifle was what would keep you alive, out numbered and scared ****less. And the students (just like the Palestinians) didn't stop to think that throwing rocks at guys with guns isn't necessarily a good idea. And I'm not totally detached personally from this either as I am friends with one of the wounded students, and had met one of those killed.


                            Millions weren't killed with the nukes. The losses were greater with conventional bombing in Tokyo than in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. And if you call the people killed "innocent", you have no understanding of the devotion of the people to the Emporor which made everybody a defender of Japan. Even children were to be suicide bombers to fend off an invasion.


                            • #29

                              Of course the note was written in anger. It was in response to a brutal attack that killed hundreds of innocent people. Most of them Austrialian's.

                              The terrorists hope by these attacks to destabilize the world economy and weaken the resolve of many a free country. They know that one strike against one country will never do that but several attacks against many countries might.

                              They want you to feel afraid in your freedom.

                              Hense the term Terrorist

                              The note that was sent to Mr. Tweak from what I read was simply a statement that I am NOT afraid of you and I am willing to fight to protect myself and my country.

                              A very normal reaction to the unbelieveably violent event that this person is responding to.

                              The problem as I see it is...

                              There is almost no defense against zelots that are raised from infancy to hate those of us in the free world and willing to turn their bodies into weapons to destroy us.

                              I don't claim to have the solution to this, but I for one do not feel the need to passively sit by and let these acts go un answered.

                              The only thing I can do as a normal citizen (not a political leader and not a military person) Is to live my life as I normally would and not let these acts alter my way of living. That of a free person.

                              I will not cower in fear. I will participate in the economy. I will continue to believe in my God and belief system. And I will continue to feel anger towards anything that threatens those beliefs.


                              • #30

