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Note to terrorists

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  • #31
    Didn't we help Afghan get the Russians off there back?
    - Damien


    • #32
      Yeh! Then we had to go back and try to BUY the leftover Stinger missles that we GAVE them to fight the Soviets with.


      • #33
        So we help them and then get attacked..?

        *post # 1234*
        - Damien


        • #34
          Originally posted by FLaCo
          So we help them and then get attacked..?
          History repeats itself yet again.
          Ho Chi Minh was an operative for the OSS during World War II.
          It has been alledged that Osama Bin Laden was connected with the CIA operatives (which of course were never there *wink wink*) during the Afghan vs. Russia conflict.
          You work with these folks, for the good of both parties. Then when they want something you refuse to give them, they tend to go to your enemies for their requirements - who usually are more than happy to oblige them to get them out from under your thumb and working on their behalf instead.

          Originally posted by bigjackusa[B]
          While I agree that the U.S. has done a lot or sorry ****, I take exception with you listing Kent State.
          Exception noted.
          I agree with all the reasons you gave for the events that brought about the slaughter. I do yet consider it a dark day in America's history. The slaying of students protesting a police action carried out by thier government is a tragic event that according to the rights afforded American citizens under the Constition should never have occured for any reason and will hopefully never occur again.
          I personally see it as being as reprehensible as the events which transpired at Tianamen Square - perhaps even more so, as this one occured on American soil.

          So at this time I will steadfastly list it among the heinous events perpetrated by the United States Government.

          I will however defend unto my own death your right to disagree with me.
          The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


          • #35
            We helped them quite a bit. The CIA was all over the place. We gave them money, weapons, munitions, and satellite intelegence. The Soviet choppers flew with impunity until the Muhajadeen got stingers. The Soviets finally left. Then the Talaban took control of the government and military. They are the fundamentalists who think the Bronze Age is pretty advanced civilazation. Of course they think it is their mission in life to make the rest of the world just like them. Since the Western World allows such things as: TV, the internet, women's equality, freedom of (or from) religion, and these are the tools of Satan; the West is evil, and the U.S. is the influencial power in the West, so we must be destroyed or made "to see the light" of the only pure religion. Good deeds don't count if you're evil.


            • #36
              Mr. C

              One last, but important note on Kent State. The National Guard had in this instance, Gov. James a. Rhodes as its commander-in-chief. He mobilized them and gave them their mission. It was under his authority, not the U.S. government, that they marched into that tragedy. Rhodes spent years afterward trying to play stupid ("I didn't know they had real bullets!", etc..) and weasel out of responsibility at various hearings, inquests, and trials. I know it doen't say much for my home state, but it really was an Ohio thing.


              • #37
                To the best of my knowledge, being the Governor of any state does not place you above the law.
                As Governor Rhodes nor any member of the National guard was ever charged with murder, I am going to have to assume that the actions taken on that day were fully endorsed by the United States government.

                As the crime of murder carries no statute of limitations, I assume also that the United States government still thinks this is OK.
                The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                • #38
                  IMHO it was not murder. Even if it were, state law, not federal, would have come into play. It is also unlikely that charges could have been brought under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Militery Justice) as the deaths occurred during a duly authorized military action without planning, intent, or malice. There were no circustances to warrant Federal jurisdiction, so Federal complicity cannot be inferred.


                  • #39
                    You two know your stuff... I guess you can say!! As Bigjack did state
                    They are the fundamentalists who think the Bronze Age is pretty advanced civilazation. Of course they think it is their mission in life to make the rest of the world just like them. Since the Western World allows such things as: TV, the internet, women's equality, freedom of (or from) religion, and these are the tools of Satan; the West is evil, and the U.S. is the influencial power in the West, so we must be destroyed or made "to see the light" of the only pure religion. Good deeds don't count if you're evil.
                    This is very much true, especially the women's equality and freedom of religion:

                    They way they treat there wives... (they always have many) they are treated as slaves, they wash there husbands, they dress him. When it comes to their religion: Women are not aloud to be in the same room as there husbands, they are seperated: if in some situations that there is not another room for the wives they must pray behind all the men! They are not aloud to move until he moves. (Muslims pray 5 times a day in movements) They are not aloud to pray outloud as their husbands do. It is some really intense bull **** really. (Yes I did this 5 times a day and learned the language to speak the prayer)

                    As far as the freedom of religion: they have no other belief but there's!! There religion was the last formed (I believe)

                    What I can't understand is why are they lashing out on countries that might be their only back up if we do deside to attack them?? Its not proven yet but as of watching the news tonight I did hear of the talaban holding hostages in a theatre in Russia??? What's next for them China???


                    • #40
                      I believe you got some mis-information.
                      The aggresors at the location in Russia are Chechian(spelling) rebels - an ongoing conflict among Russia and 1 of it's sattelites.

                      Perhaps they are Taliban, but I haven't heard so -- if you have info to the contrary, I'd appreciate a source so I can get enlightened.
                      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                      • #41
                        I did state that is wasn't proven, But did hear the mention of the talaban. I really don't focus all my attention to the New. However, my understanding of the muslim religion is based on first hand exsperience... being that I once converted.


                        • #42
                          The Capture of the Snipper in the Washington D.C. area's !!

                          I just heard on the news that they may have the Snipper's that have been targeting the Washington D.C. area in custody!! This is news that will make alot of people happy that live up and around Washington D.C. For several weeks this MONSTER has been snipping out people left and right. At gas stations, schools, shoppin centers. Making treats of hurting children... he already shot a teanage boy walking to school.
                          I dont know what would lead a person to do such actions: especially against children but THANK GOD, it might be over!!

                          Yep it's over!!


                          • #43
                            Makes you want the death penalty back with these types of ppl arounf...


                            • #44
                              Well said, Wilmot! It does point out the cowardliness in today's society as well as the Sniper attacks in Washington DC.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by stormybaka
                                Makes you want the death penalty back with these types of ppl arounf...
                                I think the death sentance is a good idea in situations like that, if you are willing to go out and kill a heap of people then you should suffer the same fate.

