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Forumtopia... join the cause!

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  • Forumtopia... join the cause!

    Okay, guys, crunch time.

    I've been a member of the TweakTown forums from quite a while (quite a bit longer than November 2001, in fact, that was just the last server crash/update/whatever).

    I was here back in the good old days when the Off Topic thread was actually called Off Topic. I was here when signatures (if you actually had one) were text-only.

    Now, I realise this doesn't automatically make me know what's best for the forums - there are others who have been around for longer, others who have had more experience with forums around the net.

    But, I do know when I'm not having fun, and I'm not having fun with the TweakTown forums anymore. Sure, I'll flick through the threads, maybe learn something new, maybe try to help someone out - but it's hard to do these days without being innundated with a 50:1 spam/pointless to useful post ratio.

    Talking to a few other people, I've discovered that they have pretty much experienced the same thing. A lot of users have just left the forums for these reasons (where are you, Grim Reaper? Oldbugger? RDR?), users that didn't just post crap, but helped people. And helping people is, after all, the main reason that the TweakTown forums exist - not, as some people seem to think, to spam and play word games.

    So, I'm proposing a serious, interesting, and, above all, on-topic discussion about the possibility of changing the status quo. What the hell am I talking about? ForumTopia, the perfect forums. Basically:

    --- No post counts. No post counts, less spamming. Less spamming = good.
    --- Users do, however, get stars/a rating of some sort - it is - gasp - based on how helpful a user is, voted on by other members that have been helped.

    I expect about a grand total of zero people to like this idea. But basically, I just need to get it off my chest and out there.

    What do you think?

  • #2
    I'm all for it. I'm in total agreeance with you, which is why at this point I'd like to announce my retirement from TT. I tried before but Wiggo simply deleted the post and then deleted / hid the thread. Thanks for everything guys, but I'm with Osiris on this one.


    • #3
      yeah i would have to agree with Osiris and Beefy...

      TweakTown just doesnt have the same old kick as it used too...

      i just flick through, and i agree there is alot of spam and crap out there, like asking the same question multiple times.

      a revamp is in need, here here...


      • #4
        It's good to see some of the old schoolers in here...


        • #5
          i'm in, i've been saying the same thing for a little while now.


          • #6
            Well I'm sorry guy's but my only blame for the way things are now (and for the last couple of months) is 1 stupid person, 1 bad idea and 1 big fire from the hip overreaction that has done these forums no good at all.

            I've said my part and now I'll go back to the other areas of this site.


            • #7
              yeah well im just putting in my opinion....:thumb:

              who is this '1 person'?


              • #8
                Sounds good, I'm all for it.

                Those prob tho, are unfortunatly associated with the growth of the forums :(
                TweakTown SETI@home Team


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Thoric
                  yeah well im just putting in my opinion....:thumb:

                  who is this '1 person'?


                  • #10
                    ummm well i havent read the forums, just some of the hardware topics....

                    could someone please fill me in as to why beefy is at fault? and this stupid idea, and stupid fire? :confused:



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Beefy
                      Wrong bigtime pal but isn't that post spam? In fact quite a few of your posts are 1 word or 1 smiley (we did have a limit of 3 words) so cut the crap with the spam part there, ppl are followin' your example. Another thing that disappoints me is some ppl's seemly very short memories on how they use to be here when they first started postin' here, just stop and think back a moment as I remember how a lot of ya's use to be.


                      • #12
                        Correct me if I am wrong wiggo.... Is beefy the 1 person?? Or am I thinking of someone else??? This situation really makes me feel that I am to blame from some of all this because I do most of my posting in the beer garden in the game section.... I am starting to feel not welcomed anymore and feel maybe its time for me to go too

                        But I have to say: I dont agree with Beefy and his departure... and I think maybe you should of talked things over with some people before you did what you did and then hit the door again.... This makes me feel like you are "the coward" and run and hide when things get tought. Maybe I dont know the whole situation but running is not the answer... but hey its your choice right!!


                        • #13
                          Okay... can we stop the blaming/bickering back and forth?

                          Basically, I really want to know what people think about cutting post counts and using a rating system or the like...


                          • #14
                            I'm in total aggreeance.

                            This is the first time in a long while that I've been back people are here and people have left...i wouldn't even have seen this thread had Osiris not sent me the link...

                            Before I stopped posting I think we tried to get post counts to be dropped, but unsuccesfully...hopefully things might change here...

                            We used to be the friendliest, and helpful technical support forum on the net....back before the spammage...and yes, even i contributed to spam way back then when it started...

                            I think it would be a good idea for this to be changed to a vote, asking who thinks the post counts should be dropped, the games threads be killed, along with the Cafe, and hopefully we can get back to a nice, friendly, and most of all, helpful environment...

                            I'm all for this, and hopefully if we achieve anything with this, I'll be hanging around (and I'm assuming others will be too) a bit more...
                            At the request of wiggo ;)


                            • #15
                              Seems to be a lot of current moderators here. Surprising that people in power don't come to the forums much anymore. Then again, it's not really.

                              As for the gaming section, that won't be going anywhere I'd say. There's 'big plans' for something to happen there. Apparently...

