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  • I thought the title was cute myself!! But mine is better

    And beefy, I see you found your couch again... and i see that you are nicely seated !! That is good to see!!
    And I have a big question: was this the event of the year???


    • hell no. this was never planned...


      • Beefy's Back!
        Good to see - and still an admin (and he thought it'd never happen)
        The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


        • Stranger things have happened. :)


          • This is the TT Forum after all.

            They even had me acting the politician for cryin' out loud:eek:
            The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


            • Originally posted by Beefy
              I thought it was highly appropriate, and I do have at least two other people to back me up. :D
              He himself admits to being what better title than that...?:laugh:
              - Damien


              • Im not sure, but i think im the other one.
                Anyways, Titles should stay. *looks to his left* Well, not just for myself, even thou i do want to keep mine, titles give credibility to immediate newbs. Those who have posted here and and know who gives what advise know where the most credible answers come from. Like for me, even thou Darth has "Editor from Hell" which states his good use of the english language, i would trust amlost anything he said about a question i had because i know the quality of his posting. so, titles should stay...

                but 99% of my reasoning still comes from the one at my left.


                • i'm back too as well

                  as long as there is something worth talking about that is :thumb:
                  TT Original


                  • Woohoo! whom do I say thanks to for getting rid of the post count...


                    • That would be me, although at the moment there are still some places where post counts may be visible, but i'll be eliminating those as I find them (when I have the time, exams and all).

                      Main problem is that there is no simple option for it, all the templates have to be edited to remove the counts, currently i've only had to do two (post, and user details)

                      Until i work out the member list it will be disabled for the moment as it still shows post counts and the top "x" posters thing still works...
                      SileNceR, Messenger of the Dark and the Night. To post quality, or not to post at all, THAT is the Question - Never again ask what can my post count do for me besides increasing my ego, but instead ask what can I do to help someone else!
                      Overclockers Melbourne (


                      • well the changes ( althought, admitidly the only ones i've noticed is the list of mods on the forum injdex and the post count removal) look good so far
                        TweakTown SETI@home Team


                        • I'd put my 2 cents in, but as the post count was never an issue for me and that I'm lazy...I have nothing other than this stuff to say.:smokin:

