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Can we run out of electricity?

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  • #16
    LOL....:laugh: :thumb:
    - Damien


    • #17
      Originally posted by Oldbugger
      My ex-missus once accused our son of "absorbing" electricity and making the bill higher.....#1son actually came back into the room with a small battery operated light (on and glowing) sticking out of his mouth just to prove she was certainly put the cat amoung the pigeons..... boy am I glad I'm single now...even tho I'm too crook to REALLY enjoy it....
      Shall I keep a space in the line I am in for a new body too :?:


      • #18
        Others probably need and deserve it a bit more than me.....especially'll be OK I hope....

        (I actually was gunna originally sign up as "Oldfart" but I though that was probably too close to the truth)...dunno what made me say that????

        Aaahhhh yes....bloody stinking hot here the last couple-o-days...just like you fellas in Sydney although where I am outside of Canberra we haven't had ANY rain at all....not even a shower...for the last 4 months or so....almost everywhere else locally but here...we are in a rain least you got a bit of a downpour this arvo....


        • #19
          That's true and accordin' to the radar some more is on the way. It's good to finally see the weather comin' at me from your direction now as well, :thumb:


          • #20
            Never got a drop here....again......and for the first time since the 1960's we have official water restrictions now in Canberra......a lot of surrounding places have had restrictions in place for months least it cooled down a bit last night (14c)


            • #21
              Pleasent here atm, with rain recieved yest and New Years eve :thumb:


              • #22
                well if it wasnt for the fact that this country is so crowded I would say come over here!
                it's below 0degC and snowing.... and flooding..... :(


                • #23
                  ...whereas on OUR side of the world, it dry, hot and were in a drought :(

                  oooh ooh ooooh!!!! i almost forgot about our bushfires, but they have now been tamedwhich is good :)
                  TweakTown SETI@home Team


                  • #24
                    /me sees opportunity to brag... goes for it

                    Yes, the SoCal in the box to my left refers to Southern California. Home of cool, sunny beaches and snow topped mountains all within 1 hour driving distance of where i presently have my ass sat in front of this PC. Nice sunday afternoon, too. Im gonna go, now. Laters.

                    /me apologizes profusely for bragging...

