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I'm back....!!!!

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  • I'm back....!!!!

    just got back - fighting jet-lag and cold, but otherwise fun time was had by all!
    as soon as I've uploaded my pics onto my puter I'll post a few here to stop the Aus contingency from whinging about how cold they are now! hehehehe :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • #2
    What, so soon? :confused:


    • #3
      yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:


      • #4
        Gee and I spose we'll all have to behave again as well? :(


        • #5
          Originally posted by Wiggo
          Gee and I spose we'll all have to behave again as well? :(
          roflmao! since when did you ever behave?! :laugh:


          • #6
            ok, piccies, as promised....

            1) check out the icicles!


            • #7
              2) a cleared place for car park - note the height of the snow on the left next to the 4WDs! :eek:


              • #8
                3) the hand dug pathways......


                • #9
                  It's like this here atm. ;)


                  • #10
                    Been a little warm. :)


                    • #11
                      You should have erased the grass first.
                      There's only a dust bowl left here atm.....when the sheep and cattle walk across the paddocks now it ends up like a mini dust storm.

                      Maybe you should have sent some of that snow over here Sunshine, as that would have put some water in the dams. Atm most farmers have been cleaning the bottom of the dams out, as there is no water left in them at all.

                      On a daily basis most farmers come into town to fill water tanks that you can hire to move water from in town to out of town just so their stock can be watered.


                      • #12
                        sis, sorry to hear about that, but hell, you're a big underpopulated civilised 1st world country! why on earth doesn't your government that you (plural) voted for do something about it?! hell, even saharan africa, or the middle east can sort out their water supplies, even if it does mean building desalination plants and massive piping and infrastructure?
                        jeepers, I do worry about the priorities of countries and their governemnts sometimes....
                        whilst europe is going to get colder because the gulf stream will die out, australasia is going to get warmer and warmer... it is time to stop talking about the effects and start dealing with them! it is too late to stop the effects, but as a global population we can darn well stop them from getting worse.
                        to me accessible clean water, and livable shelter (from heat or cold) are basic human rights and until a country sorts out those rights for its citizens it has screwed up priorities.

                        :kay: political rant over : peace:


                        • #13
                          Hey the middle of the continent is below see level and I wouldn't care less if they let the sea into it (there's plenty of salt there aready plus I don't live there either). :D


                          • #14
                            well, as an example of will power.... 50 years ago the Netherlands experienced such terrible floods that killed thousands of people that the government and people decided to do something about it.
                            I live in a first floor appartment that is below sea-level, I live about 3km from the sea, and only my cellar gets a small amount of flooding. but every time that Germany gets flooded, the vast majority of the Netherlands doesn't (except the bit around Belgium where they are reliant on the Belgiums:rolleyes2 ).
                            It just takes will power - look at the fires you guys have experienced - if there had been the political will to sort it out after last time more money would have been spent on prevention and action. However, it does cause taxes to be raised because it has to be paid for. And folks want a free lunch - as Asimov said - TANSTAAFL!


                            • #15
                              Hey nice Sunshine, Sweden has pretty mutch the same amount of snow. In the north part were i live that is. Wich is good cause i like to go out and ski. Preffered downhill crazy style...


