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Doom III

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  • Doom III

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  • #2
    <center>Doom 3 to be capped at 60 FPS
    The quickness of the hand deceives the eye

    Our friends in the USA have just reported that the upcoming Doom 3 will be capped at 60 frames per second (FPS) and no more and less then that.
    This may come as shock simply because we believe that there are only a few cards that can do so many frames. A friend got the idea that this means that there will be no benchmark for Doom 3 but we are quite sure that it will be some kind of Timedemo, as this is a game tradition. The only question is, can you actually override its settings to make it run more or less then 60 FPS?

    A Viennese boffin here at the Wien Technical University told us in an interesting presentation about perception in real time computer graphics that 60 FPS would be a necessity for 60Hz monitors and that TFT displays are not so good for gaming simply because they usually gives you less then that -- about 40Hz he implied. Well as for the magical 24 FPS that you see in movies he said that films use motion blur, high contrast, and fast camera that blurs the picture but still gives you some great effects. Basically movies cheat.

    I cannot help but think that it would be better the to use similar eye deceiving techniques in games as motion blur, contrast and fast camera but Carmack is the one in charge here.

    This is what he said about it

    "The game tic simulation, including player movement, runs at 60hz, so if it rendered any faster, it would just be rendering identical frames. A fixed tic rate removes issues like Quake 3 had, where some jumps could only be made at certain framerates. In Doom, the same player inputs will produce the same motions, no matter what the framerate is."

    My conclusion is that the next engine will simply need more than 60 FPS, maybe 85 to 100 FPS, I know who will benefit from this, Nvidia ATI and other graphics firms. As Nvidia has invited the CEO of ID software to its conference, we wonder if there is some kind of Doom 3 with NV40 deal that could be announced later.

    The Inquirer


    • #3
      The characters
      So, what characters are we going to see in Doom III. Are we going to be able to recognize some of the enemys from the original Doom? The answer to that question would be yes. We've already seen the Imp, the fireball throwing beast, and we've seen the Pinky, a man-hunting Demon. But we've also seen several unknown characters, introduced in this New Doom.

      <img src="">

      The Imp is a fierce monster, and have the ability of throwing fireballs from a distance. It can choose to sneak up on you and attack you from behind, using the element of surprise, or it can enter a rage and jump at you with it's claws pointed at you. It can kill you easily, so watch out for it, and avoid it if possible. Don't try to play hero on this fella, although he's easily killed, he's smart and can dodge your shots well. Don't get anywhere the fireballs thrown by him, as they can damage you a lot, and reduce your chance of survival. Sometimes when other Imps are near, they might attack you in groups, so be careful, and avoid contact often.

      <img src="">

      Being a Living Dead, all he want's to do, is get rid of you as soon as possible. He's carrying weapons so watch out for him, he can kill you easily. He's smart, and if other Commandos is near, they'll form a group, and attack you. They're weapons is very dangerous, so use your weapons well, and they're down fast. Not much more is known at the moment, but more info is to come.

      <img src=" demon.jpg">

      Pinky Demon
      After seeing the Pinky in action in the video Doom - The Legacy, I think we can agree, that this is a monster you shouldn't fool around with. It's strong, fierce and blood-thirsty. We've seen it tear a Zombie apart in no time, so it's likely to be able to tear you apart just as fast. Stay in good distance from it, if you get too close, he can quickly snap your neck and kill you. A couple of Shotgun blasts should take it out, but I wouldn't recommend going close-combat with this one. A couple of Chaingun rounds is much safer, and safes your life and chance of survival.

      <img src="">

      Living Dead, damn ugly, and only want to get rid of you. You can take it down with a couple of well-placed gun shots, and it doesn't do you much damage. But when in groups, they can get pretty dangerous, so use your weapons
      well, and take them down fast.

      <img src="">

      Lost Soul
      Flaming skulls, flying through the air in high speed. They often attack in groups, and can be very dangerous. Don't get close to them, as they will bite you to death. A couple of rounds should bring them down, but it takes good accuracy to hit them.

      <img src=" knight.jpg">

      Hell Knight
      More information coming soon

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      More information coming soon

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      More information coming soon

      Doom III files


      • #4
        <center>Official screenshots</center>
        <div align="center"><table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="600" height="160"><tr><td width="25%"><div align="center"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td><td width="33%"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td><td width="34%"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td></tr></table></div>
        <div align="center"><table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="600" height="160"><tr><td width="25%"><div align="center"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td><td width="33%"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td><td width="34%"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td></tr></table></div>
        <div align="center"><table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="600" height="160"><tr><td width="25%"><div align="center"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td><td width="33%"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td><td width="34%"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td></tr></table></div>


        • #5
          <div align="center"><table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="600" height="160"><tr><td width="25%"><div align="center"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td><td width="33%"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td><td width="34%"><div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div></td></tr></table></div>


          • #6


            • #7
              Doom 3: E3 2003 Trailer

              This is the awesome presentation of DOOM 3 being shown at the L.A. Convention Center for E3 2003. The Quicktime movie shows some beautiful and scary in-game footage from this anticipated title.

              Download Doom 3: E3 2003 trailer (61MB)*

              DOOM 3: The Legacy Movie

              This movie is an exciting, 7- minute long history of id Software's DOOM series, complete with interviews of the team and exclusive footage from DOOM III. The movie was originally shown at the 2002 Electronic Entertainment Expo.

              Doom 3: The Legacy Movie (Hi-res Windows Media) (78.2MB)*
              Doom 3: The Legacy Movie (Hi-res QuickTime) (113.4MB)*

              *Requires registration


              • #8
                Doom 3 updated E3 2003 trailer

                The official Doom 3 website has been updated with a new version of the E3 2003 trailer, offering more than two minutes and a half of high-res footage for this upcoming FPS sequel by id Software and Splash Damage. While most of the footage is the same, there are a few new things, like the voice-over comments. A few new low res screenshots have also been added on the official site. Doom 3 is scheduled for Q2 2004 on PC and Xbox.

                Official DOOM 3 website



                • #9


                  • #10
                    DOOM 3 system requirements

                    In a interview for the german magazine PCGames Hardware, John Carmack from id Software has revealed the hardware requirements for DOOM III: a video card with at least 128MB RAM and Pixel Shader 1.1 support and a 2.5GHz CPU should be enough for the stencil shadows and physics calculations. Also, Carmack announced that a testing phase might last until this summer or even later. DOOM III is expected on 4 CDs and multiplayer will include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Tournament and Last Man Standing.



                    • #11
                      <font size="3">From, regarding the above post:</font>

                      Update: After reading this information, we asked id software for confirmation and they have replied saying that the information that appeared in the article is totally false and a fabrication on the magazine's part.

