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Any 1 play americas army 2.0?

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  • Any 1 play americas army 2.0?

    I found out americas army 2.0 came out and i was wondering if its worth the wait and to download it. And if u played it tell how good it is.
    PROCESSOR: AMD X2 3800+
    GRAPHICS CARD: EVGA 7800GT 256mb
    PSU: Enermax 535W
    MEMORY: Kingston 4x 512 pc3200 = 2GB
    Hard Drive: Seagate 300GB HDD 7,2000 RPM
    MONITOR: 19" Sony
    windows XP: home

  • #2
    It came out today, so I doubt you'll find too many people who've played it. Based on a lot of time playing America's Army 1.9 it is definitely worth it. I've got 2.0 downloading right now.
    My Machine


    • #3
      Edit: Oops.


      • #4
        ya i got this game its just like the reguler vesion. Its boring when u die becuz its takes like 10 min for the round to end. And it suck when u team dies and it 10vs1 (it happend to me many times)
        and that tranning omg that takes so long (u have to pass tranning to play multiplayer) .the medic tranning is very long becuz there are severaly courses then a test to even play as medic in the mutiplayer. But i say the hadest thing is marksman tranning,to be a sniper u have to get about perfect score in the m16 range then u take to other corces in sniper school. but over all i think its a great game 4 relism.


        • #5
          I finally passed SF training last night and yes, the training is long but it's designed that way to teach some patience and also to provide some more info about what the Army does.

          Remember, it's not a deathmatch game. If you get bored easily then AA may not be for you. If your entire team dies early in a round it means it's full of rambos and kill-happy deathmatches. The best games I've had involve a lot of hiding, some tricky strategy and often it comes down to the last minute or two before the game is won (or lost).

          Overall I personally think this is the best online game out there, especially since they've added a few more neat features in V2.0 and it has incredible graphics.
          My Machine


          • #6
            I play AAO 2.0 too :)

            Use to play it when it was like 1.4 up to 1.6 but i got bored with it, or something, cant remember, im getting OLD, he he...
            Now with the new patch things are looking more interesting.
            Unfortunately i forgot the login and passwords for any old character i had, so i had to come up with a new one.
            Done everything else except cant get to the Pipe-SF yet, my honor is about 13 or 14 and it has to be atleast 15, dunno for sure as they shut them trackers etc. cuz of traffic-problems that came along with Teh Patz 2.0. Mainly server overloading etc, too much traffic, read more of it in the official site.

            ... I hate to brake this to you, if you are a player from US, but you're paying for the game for sure, it didnt fly out of monkeys butt, it was financied by Tax - Payers. ;) (no pun intented)

            I found the Tweaks in other forum, havent use it yet but i will for sure, my system has "some issues" while playing the games. Or, I just want to look under the hood and see whats cooking.

            Anyways, I do recommend the Game for serious TeamPlayers out there, it is extremely addictive and fun to play if one dont take it too personally, after all, we're just killing each other.

            But, the training is there for a purpose (not only the AA-recruiting) but to learn to play the game + other stuff, the medic school is kinda cool as everyone should know some First Aid, dont you think?

            When you learn the basics of how to use the guns hopefully there would be less TK (Team Kill: killing your team mates is a big NO NO), accidents do happen though.

            In the end, i would say its about Attitude what one has when playing, this game is at its best when trying to work together with other players. Rambos and the likes dont survive too long out there.

            See you out there, perhaps, my name is -GS- in the game also. :)



            • #7
              i downloaded it and i acculy remembered my password from like a yr ago but i spend like 1 hole day on the last tranning mission 4 the SF. I always get cought when im close to the camp, i dont even move and im in the bushes but then all of a sudding it says u be deteted. errr im getting rely pissed cuz i wana play the sf maps. any 1 that has a guild can u help me?
              MOTHER BOARD : GIGABYTE K8N-SLI NForce 4
              PROCESSOR: AMD X2 3800+
              GRAPHICS CARD: EVGA 7800GT 256mb
              PSU: Enermax 535W
              MEMORY: Kingston 4x 512 pc3200 = 2GB
              Hard Drive: Seagate 300GB HDD 7,2000 RPM
              MONITOR: 19" Sony
              windows XP: home


              • #8
                Originally posted by -GS-
                I found the Tweaks in other forum, havent use it yet but i will for sure, my system has "some issues" while playing the games. Or, I just want to look under the hood and see whats cooking.
                I've seen that guide and I've heard those tweaks are good. The guy who wrote them is one of my biggest heroes :D
                My Machine


                • #9
                  Originally posted by PersianImmortal
                  I've seen that guide and I've heard those tweaks are good. The guy who wrote them is one of my biggest heroes :D
                  Up to no good PI? ;)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by PersianImmortal
                    I've seen that guide and I've heard those tweaks are good. The guy who wrote them is one of my biggest heroes :D
                    really? I've heard that guy is a crack baby and makes a guy he has chained up in the basment write his guides for him... I hear he has never even used a computer before ;)



                    • #11
                      Hey don't badmouth m..uh him. I feel like I know him personally, like he's with me all the time

                      And so I say if you like America's Army, read the guide and you will profit greatly :thumb:

                      PS - I've played a fair few SF missions and the game just gets better and better with each version. This version is excellent and they've fixed up most if not all of the bugs/exploits we reported from previous versions.
                      My Machine


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PersianImmortal
                        Hey don't badmouth m..uh him. I feel like I know him personally, like he's with me all the time
                        so you're the one he keeps in the basement?

              's all good PI : peace2: If only we were all so gifted :)

                        EDIT: the release of 2.0 has definitely renewed my interest in AA so I've re-activated my account (it's been at least 6 months since I lasted played) and I'm currently trying to get though SF e&e training. Granted I've only spent about 15 minutes on it so far, but it's refreshing to play something that actually requires a little thought. I do have a question though... the M4 that you can mod, can you only use it after you have completed all of the SF training?


                        • #13
                          i belive that in the AA wed site it says the M4 is only for the SF to mod.. I think, becuz i been trying to pass the tranning mission still,i been on it for 2 days now.:mad:
                          MOTHER BOARD : GIGABYTE K8N-SLI NForce 4
                          PROCESSOR: AMD X2 3800+
                          GRAPHICS CARD: EVGA 7800GT 256mb
                          PSU: Enermax 535W
                          MEMORY: Kingston 4x 512 pc3200 = 2GB
                          Hard Drive: Seagate 300GB HDD 7,2000 RPM
                          MONITOR: 19" Sony
                          windows XP: home


                          • #14
                            He he, that Tweaker was so good he's my hero also :)

                            About the Mods in 2.0:
                            I've been playing the Bridge so much lately i cant remember how the mods are in SF maps but i think the mods are available only in SF maps, and after you pass the training.

                            Here is a link you can find more AAO sites.
                            The Official is not the best site to look for more precise info, i prefer forums like ArmyOps-Tracker -Slinger- is my nick there.

                            Im off to bridge to get seriously killed ;) Im still a newbie on this game, most of the ppl been playing this about 2 years now so i got a lot to catch. Thank god i've found some tutorials, tips and tactics for the maps, those help a lot to get into the game. :)




                            • #15
                              Originally posted by minibubba
                              I do have a question though... the M4 that you can mod, can you only use it after you have completed all of the SF training?
                              Yes, the M4M can only be used on SF maps of which there are 4. Since you have to be Special Forces to be equipped with the gun on these maps, you have to have passed SF training and have at least 15 honor to qualify.

                              I've passed SF training ang have 53 honor, so I've been playing with my M4M for the last couple of days and they're good, but not fantastic. My gun, like most peoples' has the 203 grenade launcher, silencer (press L to use in game) and 4x sight. The camoflage is automatically selected depending on the map (i.e you can't have black or arctic camo on a desert map).

                              This is all in my hero's guide btw (page 3) :p
                              My Machine

