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Problems with Call of Duty and my PC.

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  • Problems with Call of Duty and my PC.

    Whats up guys. As some of you may know i bought Call of Duty yesterday...i have been playing continously...but i am playing my PC just exits the game and leaves me looking at my desktop. It has done this a bit too many times and it is getting annoying. It occuring frequently now. I touched my vider card and it seems hot with out even playing too much of the game. I cleaned out the fan and heatsink on both my processor and my video card. I beleive it my video card that is becoming very hot. I was thinking of running it past you guys...see of you guys can think of anything or what it mught be; maybe one of you guys have experienced this. This is the only game it does it with I also play BF1942, Splinter Cell, Halo, CS and Warcraft 3 and nothing happens with those. Any suggestions?

    BTW the error on CoD is : " ERROR: unevent (null) whatever that means.
    - Damien

  • #2
    hmm, what vid card drivers etc are you using?:cheers:


    • #3
      Flaco, you should know better. :) We need PC stats before we start making stuff up.


      • #4
        You're right. Sorry. I have a

        WD 40 7200
        Ti 4600 with 56.14 driver
        Epox 's 8RDA (regular) with nvidia's latest chipset driver.

        I just reformatted yesterday (i wanted to anyway) and i still have the same problem. I am thinking it might Direct X 9. Now after i reformatted it won't get past the main menu of the game. Thx for your attention.:)
        - Damien


        • #5
          Well a google search didnt turn up anything useful :( All I can think of is try rolling back ur vid card drivers to an older version :confused:


          • #6
            Originally posted by theyneverknew
            All I can think of is try rolling back ur vid card drivers to an older version :confused:
            That could be a very likely solution. Nvidia's new Forceware drivers were causing me slight problems in BF1942 and major problems in the Desert Combat mod. I assume nvidia changed something major along with the name change and it is causing problems with some games, CoD may be no exception.


            • #7
              I don't think that is the problem. Before the reformat i had an older version driver and the same thing. Do you think it has a to do with a Direct X 9 compaibility problem. Since i run a card that only supports DX8 or lower?

              CoD asked me if I would like to install DX9 and so i did.
              - Damien


              • #8
                Originally posted by FLaCo
                Do you think it has a to do with a Direct X 9 compaibility problem. Since i run a card that only supports DX8 or lower?

                CoD asked me if I would like to install DX9 and so i did.
                did you have dx9 installed before you installed the game? Which version of Dx did it install? If it's not the latest you may want to update it.

                I doubt it's the card support or I would be having problems as well. My Ti4200 plays it just fine.


                • #9
                  I will give that a try. I just rolled back to a 43.00 driver str8 from nvidia archive. I last a bit longer on the menu doesn't freeze BUT it just throws me off to my desktop and just puts up my brightness on my screen. Even on the games "safe mode" its chokes.

                  To answer you question MB, no i did not have DX9 installed previously but the game installed it for me. I will head on over microsoft's site and update it.

                  I thank you all for giving me a hand on this. I appreciate your time.:cheers:
                  - Damien


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by FLaCo
                    I will give that a try. I just rolled back to a 43.00 driver str8 from nvidia archive. I last a bit longer on the menu doesn't freeze BUT it just throws me off to my desktop and just puts up my brightness on my screen. Even on the games "safe mode" its chokes.

                    To answer you question MB, no i did not have DX9 installed previously but the game installed it for me. I will head on over microsoft's site and update it.

                    I thank you all for giving me a hand on this. I appreciate your time.:cheers:
                    This sucks...i came out with nothing.
                    - Damien


                    • #11
                      Well, i am playing now..but all with a price. I have to have my computer underclocked. From a 1.85 Ghz to 1.1 Ghz. I am still boggled by this. I have no idea. Right now though i am glad i can finish my game.

                      P.S. CoD is all about not fighting alone...yet there are some areas where you are just going solo. I am now on the German Ship where Cpt. Price acts like a high German officer and we get into the hangar. I have to destroy all the anti radar equipment, ALL ALONE. Its no biggybut where is Cpt. Price? Its seems as the German Soldiers don't stop coming. Is there an end to them ? Do they evetually all die if get them all? Doesn't seem like it.
                      - Damien


                      • #12
                        MOH:AA and other games do this too, they make a huge trigger area, and for every guy you kill, another respawns somewhere ahead of you and starts coming for ya. You just have to keep moving until you exit the trigger area.

                        Or you might just be battling it out in one area, and walking over the same trigger multiple times, which causes 4 new guys to spawn each time you trigger it.

                        The game was programmed, therefore look for patterns on how it was programmed...

                        I have only played the COD demo as of yet, but nearly all single player FPS's do what I describe.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by zeradul
                          MOH:AA and other games do this too, they make a huge trigger area, and for every guy you kill, another respawns somewhere ahead of you and starts coming for ya. You just have to keep moving until you exit the trigger area.

                          Or you might just be battling it out in one area, and walking over the same trigger multiple times, which causes 4 new guys to spawn each time you trigger it.

                          The game was programmed, therefore look for patterns on how it was programmed...

                          I have only played the COD demo as of yet, but nearly all single player FPS's do what I describe.
                          Pretty cool...thx for sharing.
                          - Damien


                          • #14
                            FLaCo how mutch memory is installed in your computer?

                            Sometimes one can get crasches back to desktop if the memory hits a critical limit when gaming.


                            • #15
                              I have 1256 MB of PC2700 Memory.
                              - Damien

