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Mouse Acceleration for gaming

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  • Mouse Acceleration for gaming

    hi. im a gamer, and i've fell in love with the mouse acceleration in quake 3.

    now the problem is that when i try to play other games, its really hard to get a good feel of the game cos the mouse movement is not accelerated.
    so i was thinking if its possible to make a program or something that makes windows use the same acceleration as quake 3?

    i have the code in here. i dunno anything about programming or coding or anything.
    so im just asking, is it possible to use this with windows?

    mouserate = sqrt( mx * mx + my * my );
    mouse_x *= (mouserate * m_accel.value + sensitivity.value);
    mouse_y *= (mouserate * m_accel.value + sensitivity.value);

    and i am 100% sure im not the only gamer who would want this.
    so if you can do this, you'd do a favour for millions of people worldwide. :D

  • #2
    basically its just to change the acceleration to start smoothly effect the speed right after you start moving your mouse. this way it will be VERY smooth.

    also there is a problem with this. in windows xp default mouse drivers, if you set the mouse sensitivity low, the input is very poor in games. you can see this if you put the windows mouse sensitivity to minimum and try play half-life. the movement is VERY crappy.

    however this doesnt happen with Logitech Mouseware drivers. even though you set the sensitivy to minimum. so this program should also have this thing. so you can use a very low sensitivity and a high acceleration value. (this is how i prefer it)

    and it would be best to make it so you can determine the sensitivity and acceleration with numbers. preferably with floating values.

    i find it best to have a sensitivity to almost nothing. and only use the acceleration. so it should be possible to set the sensitivity to almost 0 and have a high acceleration. in quake 3 my sensitivity is 0.01 and mouse acceleration is 0.5


    • #3
      I don't really like mouse accelleration. It takes up CPU power, and often makes your aiming too "console-ish". Mind you, it is okay in some games where you need to make 180 turns in a matter of half-seconds, but most of the time, it's useless.


      • #4
        I don't like acceleration mainly because I like moving my mouse a certain distance to aim at things, not dependant on how fast I move it..

        IE: if i move the mouse 2cm to the right, I know I'll turn X degrees each time, instead of having it varied on my speed of movement.


        • #5
          still, most of quake 3 players use mouse acceleration.
          so i guess no one can make a program like that. :/

          acceleration has made my aim 100% better.
          it is the second best thing since a mouse was invented.

          its all a matter preferance. and i happen to LOVE it.

          with mouse acceleration you have both the benefits of a slow and a fast sensitivity.
          if you practice with it, you will be a lot more efficient than without acceleration.


          • #6
            I play RTCW (which uses the same engine, revamped) so I know what you mean. The mouse movement/aim is great. When I go to some other games its just not the same.

            Its a lot more fun to play than Q3 though, since its team based and you actually feel like you have a purpose for being there and are part of a team.


            • #7
              yea. :D i can only play q3 based games. cod, et and q3. :)

              well, that is also a matter of liking. i love q3: CPMA because its all about your personal skill.
              et is also cool. its my favourite team game atm.


              • #8
                What game isn't about your personal skill?

                I usually play a Medic in RTCW. That way I self heal, and I go lay the smackdown on just about anyone. I am usually at the top of the rankings at the end of each game.


                • #9
                  mew.. I am not sure how you would go about this, most other games move at such a slow rate that noone ever gets behind you, and thus there is not a need to turn quickly.

                  I wouldn't say most Q3 players use it though, but of the truly phenomenal players I would say many do...

                  I do not, I am with Beefy on this on, I do however use extremely high sensitivity, thus allowing me to do whatever turns and spins necessary to be competitive.


                  • #10
                    well you all seem to know what you want. but i do too. i only want a program like this.

                    if anyone of you know a programmer or a coder who could possibly do this, please ask him. all i want is a program like this, and i've asked a lot of people i know and play with, and most of them would love a program like this.

                    mouse is by far the most important aspect of gaming, why shouldnt we be able to customize it any way we want?


                    • #11
                      You might try different mouse drivers/software. Maybe someone here knows of really tweakable mouse drivers that let you do this.

                      Those Boomslang mice are garbage, but maybe they had some nice software you could try using with your mouse. I've found most mouse drivers work with most mice when used in the PS2 port.

