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Ti4200: No FSAA in BF1942

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  • Ti4200: No FSAA in BF1942

    Yah, this has been bothering me for some time. I usually paly most games on 1280x960 w/ Quincunx FSAA. Doesn't work in BF1942 as with FSAA, the text also gets "FSAA'd" and becomes blurred. So, I've been playing it at 1600x1200 @ 72 (highest supported refresh rate) but now I can start to see the refresh rate and it's hurting my eyes :( . Is there anyway I can get FSAA to work? I looked through the guide at TT Gamer and didnt find anything :?: . Thx a lot for any help, : peace2: Mista K6

  • #2
    I tried fsaa with my previous Ti4200, but it wasn't worth it on any of the more recent games I play, just too much of a performance hit. Instread I played it at 1024x768@85 with all visual settings maxed and I didn't really even notice the lack of AF & AA. My point is, with a Ti4200 while it is still a great card, you really should leave AF and AA to more powerful cards. Besides, the messed up text in inevitable with BF1942. I even get it on my new 9800 pro. :(

    But since it is still readable, I just ignore it and go on killing campers with glee.


    • #3
      Is bf1942 a d3d game? Because i also get that with my ti4400 and my 9800pro because of AA and AF.
      CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
      Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
      RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
      GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
      PSU: Thermaltake 500w
      SC: Audigy 2 zs
      LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
      Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
      Mouse: Logitech G5


      • #4
        yes, it uses Dx 8.1 (I think)


        • #5
          I mean does it use Direct 3d or Opengl engine.
          CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
          Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
          RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
          GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
          PSU: Thermaltake 500w
          SC: Audigy 2 zs
          LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
          Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
          Mouse: Logitech G5


          • #6
            DirextX means it uses Direct3D. if it used openGL it would not require a specific version of DirectX to be installed. To my knowledge, openGL is not even an option in BF1942.

            *since this seems to be more of a Game issue, I'm moving it there...


            • #7
              Lol, sry, I wasnt sure where to put it. Yah, my Ti4200 is this s***. After I o/c'd it, I've never seen it slow down. The only thing that kills it is anisotrophic filtering, so I ususally just leave it on 1xAA or on trilinear. Like I said, my standard for games is all goodies on w/ 1280x960 and Quincunx FSAA (quality of 4x with almost the speed of 2x, only great thing about nVidia cards). I also think it might have been my monitor cable cause I plugged it back in and it stopped. Oh well, at 1600x1200 you can barely see the stair stepping, so I'll leave it at that. I'm still getting 72fps, so I cant complain. Thx for the replies, : peace2: Mista K6

