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Deus Ex: An Honest Review

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  • Deus Ex: An Honest Review

    Well I just got back from a friends house. He had got Deus Ex Invisble War for free from some contest and I asked him to give me 2 or 3 hours of playtime. He agreed, so I went over and played all the way through Seattle, the first "level"

    Now I cant comment on the story, since I only played a small amount, but gameplay wise, heres what we have.


    Ugh... It looks like someone took Quake 2 Graphics, throw a hacked up lightning and shadowing element into it, and then glossed it over, doing something like anti-anisotropic filtering. They're not bad. But giving Max Payne 2 a 9.5 out of 10 in graphics, I'd say DX2 gets a 4 or 5. They just looked horrible. Textures were bad, Polygons were horrific, and the colors were washed out (this was without the "bloom" effect)


    If you want Havok physics, play Max Payne 2. These are bad, everything has really messed up weights, and dont act realistic. Example: I can abrely move a 55 gallon drum across the floor standing up, but when i knock it over it slides around like its on rollerblades. That and Wooden Pallets seem to be made of some kind of elastic element.


    Battles are very awkward. The AI is very unrealisitc, even Half Life is better, and it just seems clunky. The FPS hit taken when people are fighting doesnt help either. Theres absolutely no good stealth ways to kill someone except from a distance with a sniper rifle, but thats where second part comes in.

    Level Design:

    Very small, very cramped, and disgusting load times. This is the worst part of the game. There are no outside maps so far in this city. All the "outside" parts are in alleys or closed off spaces that seem more like an office building with a skymap instead of a cieling.

    Also, the levels are hacked up bad, presumably to make it play on the XBox. To walk about a quater mile, from a church, through an alley, to an apartment building, into a hangar, you go through 4 load points, each take about 5-7 seconds. Its ridiculous and annoying. I gave up some missions just cuz I didnt want to go through 11 load points in the same city to collect a reward.


    Sound is good, medicore. Voice acting is ok, but nothing to write home about.

    Overall, I would not spend more than 10 dollars on this game, and I wont be buying it. Ill probably borrow it off my friend once hes done. BTW: I played it weith the 1.1 patch installed.


  • #2
    Thx for that info. :)


    • #3
      You obviously have more tolerance than I do. From the moment I loaded it I didn't like it. Managed to get a gun, played basketball for a bit, then uninstalled. A waste of time. :(


      • #4
        Originally posted by Beefy
        You obviously have more tolerance than I do. From the moment I loaded it I didn't like it. Managed to get a gun, played basketball for a bit, then uninstalled. A waste of time. :(
        I am a major Deus Ex fanboy, so I had to give it a shot. Maybe in a few months with a bunch of patches it will be nice for the bargain bin at Wal-Mart. Until then, go get a real game like Max Payne 2, Need for Speed Underground, Or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. All of which are FatGuy3 approved. :)


        • #5
          Yeah underground is damn cool! Love it!


          • #6
            They've released a patch, which adds better location damage (for one-shot kills with headshots, among other things), an option to remove the dynamic shadows (makes the game run much better), menu changes, and a few other tweaks.

            Your review pretty much reflects my opinion. The game is good, but it simply doesn't live up to the original Deus Ex. Story is apparently good, but the characters are too flat and cliched to really be interesting. Graphic-wise, it's not awful, but the port to the XBox really hurt it, with removal of normal mapping, most bump-mapping, and high-resolution textures. The menu is also very awkward, and obviously designed for the console. The idea of universal ammo and no reloading is somewhat of a downer as well, although it is by no means an awful thing.

            Apparently what caused the game to become so lackluster was an internal conflict with the development team. About half of the dev team wanted to make the game more like the original, and felt that making the game for the XBox took too many complex elements out of the game, whereas the other side wanted to focus more on the console version and make it a bit more mainstream. This resulted in alot of changes in the game, going back and forth, and some things (such as the A) were almost completely ruined, even sabatoged. Eventually, half of the development team quit, resulting in Ion Storm having half a game and a looming release date. The shadowing was left intact, but due to the destruction of other elements, it was made nearly useless to gameplay. They quickly rebuilt the AI and physics systems (which were all but ruined), obviously with the XBox and more run and gun gameplay in mind, and released it just in time for the holiday season...again, most likely due to Microsoft pressuring Ion Storm.

            Note that what I said above isn't necessarily the exact truth, but it's the story that is floating around on the Ion Storm message boards. After what supposedly went on, I can't really blame them. Hopefully, Theif III won't follow in DX: IW's footsteps. It uses the same engine, but it's being handled by different people. The games only really share the same base code with each other. Everything else is different.


            • #7
              I guess it's a good thing I didn't buy into the hype and grab a copy upon release. That's for the info :thumb:

