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DOOM III music

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  • DOOM III music

    elo americans WHO ARE SO LUCKY TO BE PLAYIN DOOM III WHILE I HAVE TO WAIT TILL THE 8TH!! i have heard this song in the background in the trailers of doom III and its the doom III song, i fink its by slipknot but im not sure as i have not heard the full song could som 1 tell me wot the song is cos the part i heard sounded good :p

    cheers, lou

  • #2
    Re: DOOM III music

    I know Trent Reznor of NIN was supposed to do it originally, but I'm not sure.


    • #3
      Re: DOOM III music

      The main theme was done by Tool, but Trent did a lot of other work.


      • #4
        Re: DOOM III music

        iv got it now cheers n e ways mates


        • #5
          Re: DOOM III music

          I haven't even had a chance to play much Doom 3 yet but I should get quite a few hours in tonight and over the weekend!

          Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
          Managing Director
          Tweak Town Pty Ltd


          • #6
            Re: DOOM III music

            I hope you bring along some clean undies...


            • #7
              Re: DOOM III music

              Originally posted by Morgan_Lander
              I hope you bring along some clean undies...

              Got some friends coming around tonight for some Doom 3 action so should be able to get a proper taste for it then

              I played a bit last night and really like how you can switch off the lights in some levels and frag in the dark

              Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
              Managing Director
              Tweak Town Pty Ltd

