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Wheel dead in quake 3?

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  • Wheel dead in quake 3?

    I have a bit of a problem and I have a found a temporary fix for it. Its one of the most annoying problems that I have ever seen.

    Basically right in the middle of gameplay the wheel on my mouse will should I say die? I won't be able to switch weapons or anything. And when I got into the settings it says that its all set to my personally preferences. This has only started happening a few weeks ago. My temporary fix is to completely shut down quake 3 and then reopen it. That is definitly not a fix. Especially when I'm the one running the server. I have to tell everyone my mouse died I have to close quake 3 and open it again?

    Today before posting I went to the full extent of uninstalling the game. I've been running the latest point release since it came out. Version 1.31. So I know its not related to that but how does a problem like this come out of no where? :(

  • #2
    i had this problem for a while also, i think i fixed it by uninstalling the intellipoint drivers, but i dunno if you are using a ms mouse, im just guessing...

    if it came from nowhere, maybe u recently did a windows update that tweaked your mouse drivers...i dunno..

    but i have experienced the same before, an it certainly wasnt the quake install coz i have had the same install since whenever it came out (i just patched up) even through re-installs


    • #3
      ya I"m using an MS mouse. Kinda on the old side but still gets the job done I"m using the MS Wheel Mouse Optical. But I don't use the intellipoint drivers cause I don't care for the extra cursors and stuff liek that.


      • #4
        You should try and install the drivers. Sometime they include a program where you can configure what each button on your mouse does...


        • #5
          well personally no configuring is necessary........all the buttson do exactly what i need them to do scroll is scroll how fast does it scroll? that setting is in widnows

          When I first got my first microsoft mouse 'ms intellimouse' I installed the software thinking I needed it. I relized it was so stupid and pointless cuase there was nothing there but customizing which I didn't use and the mouse pointers. All of them of which I didn't personally like. So with this optical mouse that I got about year and a half ago or something. I was like eh the hell with the software I dont' need it. Will this fix quake? probably not cuase like skullshot had said "i think i fixed it by uninstalling the intellipoint drivers"


          • #6
            Hmmmm ok I am stumped :cry:. Should just "Stop" all of a sudden.


            • #7

              well a friend did tell me that this is a common quake 3 problem. And when ever the user message with some configuration settings it loses support of the wheel. It could be true but then again what explains this not happening only until a few weeks ago?


              • #8
                Its a problem that should of been fixed when q3a was in beta/test stages but never did. The new patch that is out for it now is supposed to fix it, but as you can witness yourself- it dont do jack. I get the problem as well, and i get around it by....wait a second. I dont get around it. Guess youll just have to live with it.

                Strange how other q3a engine games dont suffer the problem. Ive no probs with TA either. Just stocko q3a.


                • #9
                  ya I was thinking with all thes point releases they couldn't fix such a problem as this? btw what's TA?


                  • #10
                    That stupid mission pack- Team Arena.

                    I just assign keyboard buttons 1 2 and 3 to the only 3 weapons you ever use in q3a. After a while it is quicker than the mwheel.

                    I havnt tried this myself, but how bout uninstalling q3a fully, reinstall q3a (with a fresh q3aconfig file) and then run the 1.3 full update. Assign your mwheel (if need be) and see if it still happens.


                    • #11
                      Oh I've played TA once or twice. At school and it was the demo. On a slow computer too. :(

                      I completely uninstalled it yesterday. I COMPLETELY uninstalled Q3A and the mod that I use TC (true combat). Then reinstalled quake3 and the point release. That's the only problem I have with Q3A as for TC which is still in beta so I can understand why its buggy I"ll get an error message saying view shot to far to view or something like that. That usually comes out when ever I type a message to someone or do something in the console.

