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Logitech G9 Gaming Mouse

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  • Logitech G9 Gaming Mouse

    Please feel free to comment about our story entitled "Logitech G9 Gaming Mouse"

  • #2
    Re: Logitech G9 Gaming Mouse

    After debating between Logitech's G7 and G9 laser gaming mice, I decided to go with the G9 and I couldn't be more impressed. The G9 is capable of dpi of 200-3200 with w/ up to five customizeable profiles each w/ five customizeable dpi settings stored in the mouses memory. These profiles can be changed instantly mid-game without hesitation. Plus there are like 20 different led colors to chose from for distinguishing each profile. Not to mention customizeable grips and weights to suit your gaming preference. You have to get this mouse if you are or will be playing Crysis... seriously expect 10-20% higher scores in multiplayer FPS games like BF2142 after getting used to it. I LOVES THIS MOUSE!!!


    • #3
      Re: Logitech G9 Gaming Mouse

      I love my G5. Its great for gaming. the G9 doesnt look to comfy to me either


      • #4
        Re: Logitech G9 Gaming Mouse

        It took me awhile to decide to get this mouse. After having it, my thought now is, "what the hell took me so long". I've long been a Logitech mouse man (have had quite a few different ones), so I was inclined to stay with Logitech. All the pictures I've seen just don't do this mouse justice. The pictures is what took me so long to get this mouse, as they showed the mouse as looking a bit odd and I wondered if it was going to be comfortable or not. I can say now it's the most comfortable mouse I've ever owned (for all purposes) and that's saying something as I said the same about my G5. Logitech mice just keep getting better as they go. This mouse makes my G5 look ancient. I stuck with the original grip with no weights added as it feels just right the way it came out of the box. Haven't even tried the rough finish one. This is just one ultra cool looking mouse and it moves and functions like a dream.

        The new software interface is very nice and easy to use. Being able to change the mouse sensitivity light colors is pretty cool. Three sections to adjust, "General", "Gaming", "Productivity". Can assign all mouse settings individually to each of these sections. Can also set whatever color you want to sensitivity lights of each of these. Can also set these modes to change automatically as you change to them or manually. I have General set to blue lights, then when I go to a game, the lights change to green, and productivity (whatever programs you put in there) changes to red. Mouse wheel can be set to racheted feel (clicks) or smooth (free wheel, no clicks). The free wheel is indeed free wheel as the wheel will kept spinning on it's own (as will the movement of the page), very fluid and smooth. Takes a minute to get used to that and right now I just stick to ratcheted (as that's what I'm used to). This mouse will do everything but wash the dishes!

        If I was to list wishes for improvements, it would be in the software area. In the previous Setpoint software, there were entries in the "sound properties" of XP that allowed setting a sound to both increase and decrease sensitivity. I liked this option as an aid when hitting those buttons. In the Setpoint 5 software, those entries are no longer there. Another thing is that in previous Setpoint software, in the game section it said that any D3D or OGL game was automatically detected so each individual game did not need to be entered there. In the Setpoint 5 software, this message is not there. You do have to put in each game .exe manually (if you want it to switch to the game mode settings automatically). Then when adding each game exe, the search for folder box always goes back to the same default location instead of remembering the location of where you set the previous game exe. An oversight on Logitech's part. That whole process of adding each game exe can get a bit cumbersome if you have a lot of games (I do). Hopefully these two things will be fixed in future Setpoint versions.

        Other than that, I'm really glad I got this mouse. After spending the high price, I'm now happy that I did. After all, the mouse is what is used most of anything in the computer. Might as well focus there for comfort and useability.
        Last edited by Mike89; 05-03-2008, 03:22 PM.

