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Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

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  • Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd


    I just installed a sata Western Digital 320gb hd in my new computer. I downloaded the sata drivers from asus website and pressed f6 at the install but when i create the partition windows only recognizes as a 136 gb hd. The install runs fine and loads xp 32bit fine but i only see the 136 gig drive in my computer.
    I've went to the western digital site and downloaded the data life guard tools and ran them in dos and they say it's suppose to fix the problem but it hasnt, (i'm only running 1hd) the bios sees the drive as a 320 gig drive too. i've flashed the bios to the newest version. I've read a bunch of articles stating that windows wont recognize anything larger then 136gig because of the code or whatever it is. My mother board is a Asus A8nsli delux and my proc is a 64bit amd 3400

    Anyone have any ideas?


  • #2
    Re: Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

    i think there's a setting for that in bios somewhere. i don't know exactly but i'll try to find out..


    • #3
      Re: Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

      Thanks ;)


      • #4
        Re: Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

        In bios, go to the setup screen where you see the hard drive. It is something like "large drive" or something of that sort needs to be enabled and it will work right.
        GIgabyte GA-990FXA-UD3
        AMD FX8120 @ 4GHz
        Patriot 1866MHz EL series 2X4GB DDR3
        Powercolour HD 6970 2GB w/XFX 8800GT 512MB Hybrid PhysX
        Creative X-FI titanium HD w/Technics class A 300W amp and tower speakers
        PC P&C 500W PSU
        2TB Seagate
        Coolermaster 690II w/Corsair H100 tucked under the hood


        • #5
          Re: Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

          I changed that bios setting you said. And resinstalled xp but it still is coming up with the 125 gig drive


          • #6
            Re: Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

            There is a 137GB limitation on many operating systems. To get around this you need to be running at least XP SP1 or 2k SP3. You also need LBA enabaled in your BIOS for the drives. If you still cannot see beyond 137GB you may need to upgrade your BIOS.

            If you still can't access the rest of the drive, you may need to buy a controller card that supports drives greater than 137GB and plug your HDD into it
            Last edited by tuxfreak; 08-11-2006, 12:00 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

              As tux said, you need to upgrade to XP SP1 or greater. That will solve your problems.


              • #8
                Re: Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

                Originally posted by dibbin View Post

                I just installed a sata Western Digital 320gb hd in my new computer. I downloaded the sata drivers from asus website and pressed f6 at the install but when i create the partition windows only recognizes as a 136 gb hd. The install runs fine and loads xp 32bit fine but i only see the 136 gig drive in my computer.
                I've went to the western digital site and downloaded the data life guard tools and ran them in dos and they say it's suppose to fix the problem but it hasnt, (i'm only running 1hd) the bios sees the drive as a 320 gig drive too. i've flashed the bios to the newest version. I've read a bunch of articles stating that windows wont recognize anything larger then 136gig because of the code or whatever it is. My mother board is a Asus A8nsli delux and my proc is a 64bit amd 3400

                Anyone have any ideas?


                Try searching for a new bios for your mobo if it's available & install that.Otherwise u may have to get urself a replaced one.


                • #9
                  Re: Windows not recognizing WD 320gb hd

                  Just a few cents of input, I have a 320GB HDD which I turned into an external, and it's only gonna show about 298GB because of windows files, blah, blah, blah... but definently upgrading will help...SP2.
                  Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit
                  Cooler Master HAF 932 Full Tower
                  Acer X223W 22" widescreen

                  nVidia nForce 7150-630i mobo
                  Intel Quad Core Q6700 OC'd 3.13Ghz
                  4096MB ddr-800
                  200GB hdd 7200 sata
                  160GB hdd 7200 sata II
                  320GB hdd 5400 ide (?)
                  320GB ext. hdd Transcend
                  MSI dvd rw / lightscribe / sata
                  BFG GeForce 8600 GT PCI-E 1.0

                  Geek Tweek, LLC

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