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  • Psu

    um... didn't know where to put this, but how can i check the wattage of my PSU? it doesn't say on the sticker on the PSU so how am i suppose to find out???

  • #2
    Enter the bios and check out the "hardware monitor" tab, there you usually find these power messaurements.. ;)

    Oh ****, maybe you meant the total power outlet from the psu? I'm not sure if that is shown there but hey check it out..



    • #3
      yeah i mean the total, because i'm gonna buy some cc's tomorrow and i don't wanna blow up sum stuff with a power shortage... -_-


      • #4
        well, V*A=W
        If the powersupply doesnt say it, you have to use the above formula to figure it out.


        • #5
          If you post the make/model, maybe someone knows. Do a Google search on it.


          • #6
            brand name is hoarang or something, that's all it has on the sticker and some jibberish about the blue, red, green, stuff on the main PSU wire.

            well, V*A=W
            If the powersupply doesnt say it, you have to use the above formula to figure it out.
            uuuuhhhh.... where i find this out? :cry:


            • #7
              hoarang? never heard of it, I just hope it ain't a low budget one. It can be dangerous to your hardware. :(

              Did it come with your chassi? What is the chassi brand, if it is a noname or some very small manufacturor then it may be a very cheap budget psu which they usually toss in their chassis to save some $$$..



              • #8
                you need a multimeter to measure the Amps and calculator to add up all the wattages, but if its off-brand PSU, I would recomend getting something nice like enermax or antec.


                • #9
                  Enermax and antec. Antec work 100% even at full load

                  The max combined load of 5.0v and 3.3v shall not exceed 130w

                  Typical specifications for PC Power Supplies are:

                  STANDARD CONNECTION: -

                  +5v mainboard -
                  4 channels @ 0 - 8A per channel

                  +12v mainboard -
                  1 channel @ 0 - 10A

                  +5v mainboard -
                  1 channel @ 0 - 600mA

                  +3.3v Mainboard -
                  6 channels @ 0 - 10A per channel

                  +5v Peripherals -
                  6 channels @ 0 - 4A per channel

                  +12v Peripherals -
                  6 channels @ 0 - 3A per channel

                  ATV 12v are the standard for new XP/MP and P4 Cpu's

