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I have no idea... NEED HELP PLEASE!

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  • I have no idea... NEED HELP PLEASE!

    I don't think this is the right thread but I'll just post here anyway and you guys can tell me if I messed up or not. But I'll tell you my problem. Whenever I go to download a large file, I'm talking about 1-2gb from stuff like bit torrent (for those of you who don't know it's used to download movies and tv shows, games) and Mirc after X amount of time my computer automatically reboots on me. A friend said that something might be overheating, and to check the fans, my case fans, so I did, but they're all working. This didn't always happen either, when I first got the computer I didn't have problems downloading anything, then one day it just happened. So I don't know what to do. Any advice? Thanks.

  • #2
    If it was an overheating problem it would occur any time you left your comp on for a long period of time, not just when u download things, just to be sure try checking ur temps in bios immediately after it reboots. Otherwise what changes have u made around the time this started happening? :cheers:


    • #3
      I don't really remember what was going on around the time it started happening. I had played around with overclocking, but after it happened I bumped everything down again. Initially I had just upped the vid card and mem. I don't know if any software settings like with windows could cause this problem, but it is getting to be bothersome.


      • #4
        Try the following in any order:

        1. Download a temperature monitoring program such as Motherboard Monitor. If your CPU temp is above 60 Celcius, than you better do something about it!
        2. Memtest86 v3.0 Download the .iso file, and burn it! If you have faulty memory it could screw things up... But probably not reboot your computer.
        3. Check your PSU. My friend used to have this problem, and it turned out to be his faulty Antec 420 watt Power Supply. (And he was bragging about that big ugly POS case... Well actually it is a nice case...)
        4. Scan for Virii
        5. Update all drivers to latest official drivers
        6. See if there are no IRQ conflicts causing serious weird-arse problems!
        7. Latest BIOS.
        8. Turn your computer sideways, and ghetto-drop it 23.7 times in 30 minutes. After that shout 'friggin-darn!' Then drop a deuce on that POS box, and start swearing :hammer: :p

        Most likely it is your PSU, or Motherboard. If you have a tempurature monitoring program built into your BIOS, it could be turning off. Also a 3rd party monitoring program could do that, like MM. Firstly try software stuff. Reinstall the operating system if all else fails (Software wise.) Then go to hardware. Like I said it is 90% your PSU if it is hardware....

        BTW: BitTorrent Rules! :bounce:


        • #5
          I'm trying out your suggestions right now, but have a few questions:

          1.) I have motherboard monitor, and my cpu isn't over 40 idle, not really sure about stress, but i'm sure it doesn't go about 60, or even close to it.

          2.) Trying Memtest right now.

          3.) Is there anyway to test my PSU? It came with the case, 300w, and I'm running what is in my sig, along with 3 case fans, and 1 cdrw drive, used to be 2 drives, 1 cdrw and a cd-rom, but no longer.

          4.) No viruses.

          5.) All drivers are the new.

          6.) What are IRQ conflicts? How would I check those? Under the system properties maybe?

          7.) I have the latest bios. I will also check with the mobo manufacturer to see if there are any known problems like this.

          Thanks for the help.


          • #6
            I must've done something wrong with the memtest 86, because I burned it, or so I thought, but my pc wouldn't boot off it. I have cd-rom as the first device also.


            • #7
              Make sure you burn the .iso file as an image and not a data CD. Good luck!:thumb:


              • #8
                what cd burning software are you using?

                you don't drag and drop an .iso onto a cd, it's a cd image and has to be burned accordingly

                your system problem could be your memory, which can cause random reboots

                have you installed any software recently?


                • #9
                  Which anti virus Program are you using?


                  • #10
                    OK, I got it burned right, and was just running it, but it was taking forever and I had to do other stuff on the computer. I was up to test 6 of 11 with no problems. I don't know if it was is a software thing. Like I said I added another stick of 256mb pc2700, but it was the exact same one as I bought before. So maybe just luck of the draw. I'll run the test again tomorrow.


                    • #11
                      I'm using all recent Norton stuff, Antivirus and Internet Security, haven't had virus problems yet. Take a look at my other questions please, like concerning the IRQ conflicts. I checked my system properties for hardware conflicts, but there were none.


                      • #12
                        Sounds like a trojan if anything...I know the virii scan didn't pick up anything but any real ub3|2 1337 haxx0|2 would stealth it or attach it or you just had a power surge or your PSU is crap...


                        • #13
                          It can't be a virus, I get block messages all the time concerning trojans. Still, it won't hurt to run a scan. There must be someone out there who knows what to do, or has similar problems. I have yet to contact my mobo manufacturer.


                          • #14
                            I don't think your listening to what I said: Stealthed or your have PnP enabled and someone who was behind you in download line pinged you and crashed your computer, it happens...


                            • #15
                              I don't think you're listening, it's not a possibility.

