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KG7 help

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  • KG7 help

    Ok, i just got some ram for my KG&, put it in, got a POST, but it sticks at my post screen, before counting memory etc. BTW, the ram is samsung pc2700 256mb

  • #2
    Make sure that any other RAM is running at the same clock speed and that its not OCed. My samsung 2700 256mb does the same thing when I change the RAM clock speed and the CAS Timings. Try a BIOS reset if everything looks good.


    • #3
      iys only 1stick, and ive cleared cmos etc


      • #4
        which slot do you have it in??
        try the one furthest (sp?) away from the CPU socket.


        • #5
          Well ****, i got the POS to do mem count etc, so i put the damn mobo in the case, started hooking **** up, and the thing did it again. Im starting to get PO'ed and the damn thing. I took out the CMOS battery adn all that crap, no go


          • #6
            On your next reboot, go into the bios and change the CAS setting to a slower setting. Reduce it by .5 at first, ie. 2 to 2.5 or 2.5 to 3 and see if it posts. If not then go down a whole unit. Good luck.


            • #7
              I cant even get into the bios


              • #8
                Can you check the condition of the battery? You may need a new one.

                Or your power supply may be bad.


                • #9
                  i use the power supply with my PCChips mobo, no problem, tried an identical battery, no good. Talked to TT's KG7 expert kane, and we think its the RAM.


                  • #10
                    I am going on a trip to either Boston or Niagra falls, so will be gone through the weekend. so if you get the memory, try playing with it, but I might not be around to help out. :(
                    Should be back around sun. tho.

                    OH, and its not the battery, as the system was working great 1hr before it was shipped. so unless something happened in the delivery.... :confused:


                    • #11
                      It's very likely just a hardware compatibility prob as Samsung is known to have them with older mobo's (you should have n/p's at all with PC2100 memory though as that's what the 760 chipset was designed for).


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Wiggo
                        It's very likely just a hardware compatibility prob as Samsung is known to have them with older mobo's (you should have n/p's at all with PC2100 memory though as that's what the 760 chipset was designed for).
                        that could be it? Even thiogh it came up in mem count? Never thought of that, thought it only happened with generic crap


                        • #13
                          Nope as I know of a few certain Name brand mobo's (just certain models) and certain Name brand memory that just won't mix.


                          • #14
                            did the ram get there??


                            • #15
                              not yet, but itll probably be here today

