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Video card repairs?

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  • Video card repairs?

    Hi, my old GeForce 4Ti4400 leadtek card has been stuffed, I don't have reciets or warranty (I can't find them) and I was wondering where in sydney I could take it to get either fixed/looked at.

  • #2
    Unfortunatly most likely that's not going to work... If you can't RMA the card then your kinda screwed. If you can find someone to repair it, then you will be lucky, if you try a local comp shop they might be aware of your problem and feel bad for you, therefore giving you a discount on a different card. However they don't know if you bought the card 2nd hand or something. A little lesson is keep all your papers in a certain spot. My suggestion is you relieve your stress by setting the card ablaze. Me and my friends used some slow-burning smokeless powder to take care of his Pinepoint crap soundcard that is proven to give problems with OS's. It was pretty fun :flames: . That damn thing crashed his computer even more times then a default Win98 computer does!!!


    • #3

      ah well, the GeForce 4 ti4200 128mb agp8 leadtek will do for now as I don't wanna spend anymore money on this comp. Save some money or my other project. :)

