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No Keyboard present

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  • No Keyboard present

    Every time I start up the PC, it recognizes the pci stuff, etc and at the bottom of the screen, it reports 'no keyboard present' and, sure enough, I cannot do anything with my keyboard.

    The only fix I've found has been to shut down the PC, and then also shut down the power supply. When I restart, the problem doesn't happen.

    I need a permanent fix to this problem. Any ideas? I believe this started happening since I upgraded my BIOS.

  • #2
    You may just have to roll ya BIOS back but (and it may seem silly) have ya tried another k/b on it? :?:


    • #3
      I could try another keyboard, but it seems to work after my little trick so I doubt it's a keyboard defect. :shrug:


      • #4
        Anything I was going to suggest has already been suggested. Seriously, give another keyboard a shot. You'd be surprised how many times the simple things are often the problem. Or, worst comes to worst, roll-back the BIOS, unless you really really needed that update.

        That's the problem now, a lot of people update BIOSes even though there's nothing wrong with the machine and it works fine. BIOS updates are only meant for those that are experiencing problems that the new BIOS can fix.

