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Need HELP im stumped REPLY QUICKLY

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  • Need HELP im stumped REPLY QUICKLY

    my brother just got all parts in for his computer,

    2.4c p4
    ic7 abit mobo
    256 geil ram x2
    really old crappy g-card (old pci radeon)

    Anyways, everything is hooked up right, tripled checked everything.

    Push power on button and little fan lights come up, everything looks like its workin but , nothing shows up on screen and computer sits idle, dosnt seem to do anything but come on.

    What does this mean?????? is it the crap graphics card ? did he somehow fry the bios???? Monitor dosnt say "no signal" but power button on mointor looks like it does when its on standby.

    ALL HELP will be apreciated, any suggestions??!?!!?

    P.S. He already has a radeon 9700 on the way, but will this fix the probelm when it gets here??????

    IS IT EVEN his graphics card thats problem???? it worked on his old comp, everything else is new... pls help me/us.

  • #2
    k, my bro is a moron, i told him to put cpu in while i was watching tv, not him, and he didnt pull lever out b4 he put it on, so it was never all hte way in.. thank god the heatsink didnt break pins when i put that on.



    • #3
      wow ur one lucky guy :laugh: It would really suck to break a brand new proc because of an idiot sibling :o


      • #4
        maybe you should be putting together a PC and not watch TV.

